Chapter 01: Owner of a lonely heart

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Author's note:

Hey, guys, welcome to And You And I; my first attempt at a KiGo story. Having recently watched Kim Possible, I became quite fascinated by the relationship between Kim and Shego and started pondering how much further it could have been taken had the show been made both today and for an older audience. After reading a few different ficts and mulling over some ideas, I decided to write one myself. While I initially intended this story to be a simple, albeit fairly lengthy one-shot, I got so engrossed in setting out a backstory for Kim in this first chapter that it evolved into a short set of chapters... and then again into something much, much longer as I got further into it. So sit back, grab a naco or a chimirito, add a soda (don't forget to grande size your meal) and enjoy.

P.S. For anyone who has just found to this story, I have only recently discovered that Wattpad has, for some unknown reason, changed the font to italics for large portions of the text in some chapters. Unfortunately, I use italics to denote both Kim and Shego's internalised thoughts and so I understand that this might be either a little confusing/irritating for you. It is also not an easy fix, given that the story is now on chapter 51. So, if this might be an issue for you and you still want to read this story, please feel free to head over to Archive of our own, where you can read it with no such issue. The link is as follows:

My appolgies for this issue and I really hope this does not put anyone off reading this story while I try and fix it here on Wattpad.

Warmest regards



It all started in a bar. Not in an evil villain's lair, or atop a high-speed train, or in any other sort of crazy death-defying situation you may care to think of. No, it all started in a common, everyday public bar. A nice, trendy, semi-upmarket establishment. The kind with chrome and black leather bar stools, comfortable booths along the walls and an assortment of well-spaced tables and chairs dotted around the centre of the room.

Kim Possible, hero, world saviour and much more sat on the padded stool at the end of the bar; elbows resting on its clean black surface. She would have preferred one of the booths, away from prying eyes, but was far too polite to hog one all by herself. Clad in loose-fitting blue jeans, a fitted green t-shirt and ankle-high brown suede boots with a three-inch heel, she gave off an air of someone desperately trying to blend into the décor. To avoid attention at all costs. In fact, that was exactly why she had chosen this particular location in which to drink and mope. A) The average patron had enough tact and perception to notice if you wanted to be left alone or not and B) none of her friends would be willing to pay the mark-up on the drinks; if they even got served at all.

The perks of being me. It was a bittersweet voice that piped up inside Kim's head, as she stared morosely at the dregs of a faint green liquid inside her glass. Picking it up, she downed the last of her apple sours and lemonade. She had done favours for so many people in her mid-teenage years that there existed an entire clutch of bars, clubs and restaurants that were willing to look the other way for her; and that was just in Middleton. Yeah, those olive-green eyes, pretty smile and fiery red hair opened doors and opportunities that your average underage college-age student could only dream of. Indeed, she had a sneaking suspicion that it was the only reason her friends still kept inviting her to go out with them. I've not exactly been Miss fun and outgoing when I've been home of late. She snorted at her own thought of, 'at late'. Try the past few months... at least.

Raising her head, Kim signalled the barman for another drink and delved into the pocket of her baggy jeans to fish out her purse so she could pay for it. While most of her usual haunts would happily give her free drinks without her even needing to turn on the charm, she always insisted on paying. They were already doing her a favour and risking trouble with the law by serving her in the first place, so she would not see them out of pocket too. She handed over the correct change to the man when he set the glass down in front of her. The night was still relatively young, even though she had made the decision to come out late. Thus, this was only her second drink. Giving it a quick swirl, Kim plucked the black stirrer from the glass and gently sucked the fizzy sweet and sour droplets from its length before neatly placing it down on the bar. She huffed when a few strands of her long red hair drooped down over her face. Even her own hair was choosing to mock her! Irately, she raised a hand and flicked it behind her ear.

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