S214(U6): After the ordeal

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Author's note:

Ok, halfway home, metaphorically speaking, given Kim and Shego are back in Middleton at the very start of the chapter, lol. For this chapter title, I've used the name of another instrumental piece; After the ordeal, this time from Genesis' Selling England by the pound album. So, let's get on with it.



Shego lay on her side and tried to roll away from the voice as she let out a disgruntled, "mrgh."


She heard her name again and pulled covers that existed only in her dream over her head as she once more grunted, "mrgh!"

A hand reached out and shook the green-skinned woman by the shoulder. "Shego."

Upon realising that her grunts had done nothing to deter her would be waker, in a sleepy, dazed voice, Shego replied, "I don't want to get up yet, Danni." However, she was now awake enough to know that she felt like utter crap.

Kim's hand briefly recoiled from her rival's shoulder on hearing the name. Danni? Who on earth is Danni? She made a mental note to ask the woman over breakfast, however, for now, "Shego!" she said loudly and gave the villainess another shake.

Shego turned and wearily opened her eyes. In the brief haze that still fogged her tired mind, she saw long tresses of blonde hair framing a face that held a pair of icy-blue eyes. "I feel like hell, Danni, leave me alone.

Kim chuckled slightly and replied playfully, "no, Kimmie."

At the sound of the hero saying her own name, Shego violently jerked back to full consciousness. The blonde hair and icy-blue eyes immediately vanished and she found herself confronted by fiery-red locks and olive-greens. "The hell, Kimmie," she said as she sucked in a mouthful of air.

The hero gave her rival a warm, albeit slightly tired smile; it was just after four in the morning. "We're back in Middleton."

"Great," Shego replied, her tone slightly sarcastic. "Urgh, I feel like hell," she then added and promptly broke out into a coughing fit.

"Yeah, you just told me. I know the feeling all too well," Kim said sympathetically and offered the green-skinned woman a bottle of water. Before she could help herself, she then asked, "so, who's Danni?"

Shego, whose hand had just taken the bottle of water froze and her eyes widened in horror. "What did you just say," she asked, even though she had heard her rival perfectly well.

"You called me Danni twice while I was trying to wake you," Kim replied, however, she could already sense that she should have kept her mouth shut and pretended like nothing had happened.

"She's no one," Shego snapped bitterly and quickly busied herself with taking a drink of water. Great, I haven't dreamed about Danni in a very long time and the one time I do it has to be while I'm asleep in Kimmie's car. Will I ever be rid of her?

Which means she's definitely someone, Kim thought. Other than she had once been a member of Team Go, had gone to college to get a degree in child development and the other scant details she had found out during their two nights in Spritzers, the rest of Shego's past, prior to their first encounter during the explosive robotic tick debacle, remained a complete mystery to Kim. Given how she's just reacted and the fact it seemed normal for this girl called Danni to be waking her, I'm willing to bet she's someone of importance. An old girlfriend perhaps? However, Kim knew better than to pry further tonight. "Let's get upstairs. I think we could both use some sleep."

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