S304(U2): The last few bricks

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Author's note:

Ok, chapter two and this time the title; The Last Few Bricks is taken from a live track from Pink Floyd's The Wall Live album. In terms of the chapter, I think it's a nice metaphor. Enjoy.


By the time Kim stepped out of her cab and walked towards a pair of ornate wooden doors, which sat beneath a pink neon sign in the shape of a double-bass and with the name Heartbeats written along the neck, she felt perfectly relaxed. Yes, she was late, but unlike many of her previous nights out with Shego, there had been nothing in the way of internal conflict while she had been getting ready and she'd even managed to keep on the shirt she had picked out, even though it showed off part of a scar. What's more, she now knew exactly what she wanted; to enjoy a couple of drinks with Shego while trading good conversation and then to take her friend back to her place so they could have some alone time. What exactly 'alone time' would constitute, she did not know. However, she suspected it would involve lips and tongues.

Kim's eyes scanned the room and quickly found her friend, who lay stretched out atop one of the leather sofas that flanked a low wooden table; like some sort of Greek deity awaiting a servant to bring her grapes... or in her case, probably a strong cocktail. She grinned upon seeing the raven-haired woman and felt a large bubble of happiness begin to swell inside her. Heh, who would ever have thought that I'd be this happy to see Shego? Skirting around the small, sparsely populated dancefloor, she stopped at the edge of the table. "This seat taken?" Kim asked airily and smiled at the woman.

Shego looked up, her gaze roving over the girl and lingering for a moment on the deep V that showed off the entirety of the hero's cleavage, well you're getting adventurous, Princess. However, she chose to act nonchalant. "Sorry, I'm waiting for someone. About five-foot-three, poufy red hair and a hero complex so bad that she'll ditch her friend just because some idiot tries to blow up her hometown."

"Wow, that is quite a specific set of criteria you've got there," Kim replied and then grinned. "However, I guess that's not me, as I've not been five-foot-three since my sophomore year; I'm five-foot-seven."

Shego looked the hero up and down. "There is no way that you're five-foot-seven, Princess, as I'm five-foot-ten and I'm more than three inches taller than you."

Kim looked at her friend dubiously. "Five-foot-ten my ass. Ron was the same height as you back when we first met and he was only five-foot-nine then."

Their gazes locked; olives versus emeralds and in days gone by, the battle lines would have been drawn and they would have leapt into one of their deadly dances. However, thin smiles began to play upon their lips and soon both hero and villain burst out laughing.

Kim sat down on the empty sofa and like her friend, put her feet up. "Are we going to have to go and get a tape measure to settle this one?" she asked and let out another laugh.

"No, you're going to get off your ass and go to the bar to get me another cocktail," Shego replied, pointing to her empty glass; an air of no-nonsense about her tone.

"And why am I going to go and buy you a cocktail?" Kim replied in a mock argument.

"Well, first off, you owe me one from Amsterdam, as I paid the bill at the restaurant," Shego replied; holding up a finger. "Secondly, you stood me up this afternoon;" she raised a second finger, "and thirdly, you're late. If this was one of Dr D's take over the world schemes, I'd have had to foil it myself by now."

"Hey, I did not stand you up on purpose, I got knocked out cos some idiot threatened to blow up the town!" Kim retorted playfully.

"Which you can tell me all about," Shego said in amusement, "after you buy me a drink. Or do you have poor excuses for the other two reasons as well?"

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