A note from the author

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Hello everyone. After checking the other day, I can't believe that it has been a full month since I last posted an update to this story. Alas, this is where I will have to disappoint you, as I, unfortunately, do not have an update for you today. However, I want to reassure you all that, while such a wait between chapters without prior notice is unprecedented for this story, that it has not been abandoned. What did happen is that I put absolutely everything I had into the last update, which I feel turned out as the best chapter of the entire story thus far and possibly the best one I've ever written for any of my works. Naturally, I am quite proud of that chapter and hope that you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. However, it did not come without a cost, which was that I burned myself out creatively in crafting it. Worse yet, I ignored the warning signs and pushed on with the next update straight away, as I always do. After two- and a-bit torturous chapters, I finally got the message and realised that I was neither enjoying myself nor producing good material. Thus, I decided that for the good of both the story and my own sanity, my laptop and I had to spend some time apart. Which I did by revisiting Dark Souls 2 and chasing my platinum trophy (I'm only about an hour or two away from it now!!!). I just did not expect it to take this long for me to feel in the headspace to start writing again, otherwise, I would have posted this weeks ago and for that, I apologise to you all.

At this point in time, now that I have (hopefully) assured you all that I have not abandoned this story, I suspect that you are all eagerly wondering when the next update will come. To which I would like to tentatively say that it will be with you all sometime in the next two weeks, as I hope to recommence work on it at some point in the next day or two. At present, I have two- and a-bit chapters written, the first of which did get edited before I was forced to take a break, out of what I think will be a three-chapter update. However, while at my normal rate it would not take me two weeks to edit one chapter and write and edit a second (unless the one to be written was in excess of 10K words), I want to give myself plenty of time to get back into my groove. As Shigeru Miyamoto; the creator of both Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda, once famously said, "a rushed game is forever bad, but a delayed game is eventually good." It is this approach that I try to take when it comes to my writing and so I would kindly ask you all to be patient for just a little longer, so that I can ensure that the next update meets the same high standard you have come to expect from this story, rather than the update getting rushed out the door and leaving you all feeling disappointed.

Thank you all for your patience thus far, for all the comments, reviews, kudos, votes, subscriptions, follows and favourites that I have received throughout this story; across the three platforms on which it is posted and in particular to those of you who have been kind enough to check in to see if I'm ok in recent days, it really means a lot to me. And I will hopefully see you all sometime in the next two weeks for the next update.

Warmest regards


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