S218(U8): ...and daddy loves you too

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Author's note:

Hey, everyone, I hope you're all ready for another instalment of And You And I cos I've got a whopper of an instalment for you all. While it is only three chapters long, the word count exceeds 32K! So, grab a snack, get comfy and let's get started.

First things first and I'm starting to sound like a broken record with this one, thank you all for sticking with this story and for all the votes and comments you guys leave me on each update. I really appreciate all the support.

Ok, before we get into this update, I need to make a quick point in regards to the last update and the character of Quinn. From reading some of your comments, it is clear that some of you think that she is supposed to be Harley Quinn and after I re-read the two scenes with her and checked out the outfits the character wears in the new Birds of Prey film (I've not seen it), I can see why. While I am a massive Harley fan (especially modern Harley after her split from Joker), that was not never my intention. I actually came up with the name Quinn Phy-Knight as a play on infinite and for a parody of Kim that I was playing on a message board RPG back in march (to scratch the itch I felt to write actual Kim). Unfortunately, no one wanted to play with my little firework of sass and so just ignored my posts. Anyway, when I realised I needed an OC freelancer, it just felt right to use Quinn. Alas, I decided to dress her in an outfit I pinched from another character of mine called Bonnie and her hair colour from another called Anna (both of them from my Threads of Life series). Hence, combining the name, outfit, her crazy personality and her calling Betty 'Betts' (an unintentional play on Bats) and I can see why some of you think she is supposed to be Harley, rather than an OC. Ultimately, if some of you still want to think of her as being Harley for now, then that is entirely up to you. However, please don't be surprised if she does some un-Harley like things when she next shows up, as she is definitely an OC.

Right, moving on and this chapter title: ...and daddy loves you too, is taken from the exact same song as the previous chapter title: Mother loves her baby..., and is, in fact, the second half of the same line. Lol, I do like it when I find a song title or lyric that I can split over two back to back chapters. And I don't think I need to tell anyone that it is referring to the fact that this chapter is going to be about Kim and her dad. So, without further delay, enjoy.

P.S. I forgot to mention this last time, but this story has now surpassed the 300K word mark and is only 5K away from the 350K mark!


It had not been a fun morning for Kim Possible. After Shego had left yesterday afternoon, she had spent the rest of the day on the sofa; watching TV and eating junk and take-out food, all the while under the influence of codeine. She'd finally answered one of Wade's calls, acted shocked at the news that Shego had escaped and said she'd only go after her when she next popped up. Or at least she thought that's what she'd said; the memory of last night being a little bit hazy. Regardless, she'd planned on going out on a mission that morning and been less than enthralled when she'd woken up at her normal time of six am to find her back still more than a little sore. Unfortunately, things had only gone downhill from there. After dressing in her training gear, she'd reached for the pill bottle to discover she only had a single tablet left. Cursing her bad luck, she'd taken it and headed out for a light jog rather than her normal run. However, after only fifteen minutes, she'd felt the discomfort and against her normally stubborn nature, heeded the warning signs and walked home; the memory of what had happened to her the last time she'd been injured still fresh in her mind. While her mom was not on hand to incarcerate her within the Possible residence this time, she had no wish to aggravate the injury and side-line herself for another extended period. Back home she'd taken a long soak in the tub to try and ease some of the stiffness and put her pyjamas back on after she'd gotten dried.

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