Chapter 36: Girl meets girl and watch it expolde

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Wrapped in each other's embrace, Kim and Shego's tongues were working overtime as they furiously battled for dominance over the kiss. Hands ran through hair, across shoulders and down backs, as they pressed their bodies closer together. Neither capable of any thought that might suggest to them that what they were doing was wrong. For it just felt so...

BOOM! The sound of the explosion tore the air asunder and the resultant force blasted the hero and villain off their collective feet and sent them flying across the room before either was even aware of what had just hit them. Almost instantaneously, both their grips failed and the pair were torn apart by the sheer strength of the blast. Seconds later, Kim and Shego simultaneously hit the deck.

BASTARD! Shego cursed internally upon impact, a film of water forming across her eyes as pain shot through her side. That was probably another rib broken. It took a few moments before she was able to glance up and see the hazy outline of smoke and bright orange flames. She quickly raised a hand to rub her eyes and then saw that both of the generators that powered the lightning-ray had just blown. OH, SHIT!

FUCK! Like her counterpart, Kim hit the metal floor and grimaced at the pain brought about from the impact. However, for the umpteenth time that day, her battle suit had mitigated the bulk of the damage. When this was all over, she'd be sore but have nowhere near the injuries she had sustained after her hour-long dual with Shego three weeks ago. Picking her head up, her eyes were immediately drawn to the thick cloud of smoke and the intense flames that were quickly consuming what she could only assume had been the power generator for Drakken's lightning-ray. OH, CRAP!

Despite the protests from her tired and bruised body, Shego managed to pick herself up. A quick glance to her right showed Kimmie doing the same. With all thoughts of what had just happened between them temporarily blown out of her mind, she simply uttered, "time to go," before her gaze located the heap that was Dr Drakken.

For Kim too, the situation had suspended all thoughts about what she had just done and instinct rapidly took over. I need to get out of here. Indeed, she only gave a quick nod of agreement, which her rival did not see, and replied, "agreed," before her gaze started scanning for an exit. It did not take her long to figure out that the way in was also her best way out. Unfortunately, her battle suit's grapple system did not have enough reach to take her directly out of the volcano, so she would be forced to do it in stages. She was about to make a run for the steps that led up to the catwalk when a second explosion sounded.

The entire floor of the volcano lair violently shook as the sound of creaking metal tore through the air. A moment later and both Kim and Shego saw a large section of the floor rip itself away, as one of the large generators conformed to the will of gravity and quickly took itself and almost everything that surrounded it down into the lava below. Both women could only stare as they heard the loud plop the comes when something solid hits a liquid and then watch as dollops of molten lava rose up into the air, some of which landed on and instantly melted more of the floor upon which they were stood.

"SHIT!" the pair exclaimed in unison as they simultaneously broke into a run.

Shego had to dodge falling debris as she sprinted over to where Dr Drakken lay. "WAKE UP," she yelled and unceremoniously slapped the mad scientist across his blue face. The man grumbled groggily but did not rouse quickly enough for her. Grabbing Drakken around the waist, Shego hoisted him up onto her shoulder and made a b-line for the landing pad on which the hovercraft was parked. Only for a large section of the catwalk to crash down in front of her, blocking her path. The resultant impact caused another loud creak to sound and moments later another massive section of the floor tore itself away and fell into the lava.

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