S308(U4): One slip and down the hole we fall

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Author's note:

Hey, everyone. Ok, so this update is coming a little earlier than I'd expected, but I don't think anyone is going to complain about that, lol.

As always, thank you so much to all my readers for all your support, you guys are amazing.

The title for this chapter: One slip and down the hole we fall, is a lyric from the Pink Floyd track, One slip, from their album A momentary lapse of reason. For a long time, I wanted to use this title or A momentary lapse of reason for Kim and Shego's first time having sex. Only when I came to write that chapter, neither fit anymore and so I used the far more appropriate Searching for scars that you hide. However, when I finished this chapter and went to title it, One Slip started playing and I immediately wrote down the respective lyric as the title.

Ok, that's enough from me, see you all on the other side. Enjoy.


Chapter eight: One slip and down the hole we fall

Kim sat in a booth in the far corner of Mama Joy's, chosen so as to offer herself and Shego some measure of privacy. She'd only been there a few minutes, a menu open on the table in front of her, which she'd not bothered to look at. And it would be a lie to say that she did not feel somewhat apprehensive about this meeting. While she felt certain that her friend would allay any fears she might have about last night, this particular encounter was new territory for them. They would literally be socialising in broad daylight; in her hometown. Yes, they'd spent the day together a few weeks ago, but that had been in Amsterdam; far from the eyes of people who knew her. And the one time they had inadvertently been together during daylight hours in Middleton, they'd run into, or rather been found by Mr Barkin and it had required some quick thinking and charm from Shego to get them out of that particular situation.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, she mused and rubbed her upper left arm. At least when we meet at night it's dark and we're in the nightlife district, where people tend to be less observant since they're somewhat inebriated. Maybe I should text her back and say that something's come up. She reached into her bag to pull out her cell phone, only to stop the moment her fingers wrapped around it and she sighed, I can't do that. I need to talk to her and she's willing to listen. Not to mention how pissed she got when she thought I'd stood her up yesterday in favour of Ron. She shook her head, no, I'm doing this. Absolute worst-case scenario, I can claim she intruded upon my breakfast and then 'accidentally' let slip that I've been trying to keep her talking, while I wait for GJ to show up.

Kim made a concentrated effort to think about a different subject, which wasn't too difficult, given she'd inadvertently brought one up amid her own thought processes; Ron. I wonder what he's having for breakfast this morning? Whatever it is, he'll almost certainly be with Quinn, given he went to Hillton with her yesterday. She let out a low sigh, the speed at which the pair had hooked up still boggling her mind somewhat. They only met six weeks ago and already he's dating her, sidekicking for her and about to move in with her. It just all feels so sudden. Do adult relationships normally move that quickly? She couldn't answer that, given she had zero experience of one. That idea in itself was somewhat frightening; Ron in an adult relationship. I guess a large part of me will always still see him as my childhood and teenage best friend.

Memories of happy times she had shared with Ron floated through Kim's mind; the day they had first met in kindergarden, trick or treating with her dressed as a cowboy and him a fairy, her first mission, them sharing a grande-sized portion of nachos in Bueno Nacho... her gaze drifted out of the window. Off in the distance, she could just make out the large sombrero roof of Ron's favourite restaurant. ...how many times must we have eaten there? Too many to count. The memories then shifted to yesterday's unplanned lunch and she found herself on the periphery, watching Ron with the freelancer Quinn Phy-Knight; the girl who had replaced her.

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