Chapter 38: The violent sequence

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Author's note:


Ok, time for me to put my serious hat on. This chapter was, put lightly, not nice to write. As is always the case when I have to do something horrible to a character I really like. In fact, the version of this chapter that I am posting has actually been watered down from my original draft. However, it still retains a much darker tone than the rest of the story thus far and I am still slightly unsure whether or not I have pushed the envelope too far with just this version, given that I have tried to maintain a lot of the Kim Possible vibe where possible. So, I think the only sensible thing to do is to warn all of you in advance. If you do not like reading scenes of violence and humiliation or don't want to see something horrible happen to Shego, then please stop reading this chapter and skip to the next one. If you do choose to read on, then just remember, you have been warned.

Before we begin, a little history lesson in regards to the chapter title and my use of it. Over the years, I have written or planned out many scenes involving violence, of a wide variety of types. However, from time to time, one of these scenes will play in my head and my brain will immediately pair it with a track known as The violent sequence. The song is a simple piano piece, that has a genuinely sad vibe to it and a lot of subtleties. In this particular instance, it is these subtleties that make it such a perfect fit for me in terms of the events depicted here. In this chapter, you will not find blood, guts or slasher violence. Instead, the violence is of a much subtler nature, but personally, far more chilling. In terms of the song itself, it was written by Pink Floyd's Rick Wright, for a scene titled the violent sequence in a film the band were asked to score. Unfortunately, the short-sighted director (in my opinion) did not see the tragic beauty of the piece, especially when synced up with the scene he had shot and so rejected it. Thus the track was never released. However, ironically, this proved to be a blessing in disguise, as the piece was later reworked into the song Us and Them, which formed part of The Dark Side of the Moon.

Anyway, that's enough history from me. If you are sticking around for the chapter, I hope you appreciate it. And if enough of you are interested, I will consider posting the uncut version as a non-cannon interlude.


Shego was only vaguely aware of the sound of boots and the blurry image of multiple legs running towards and then fanning out around her. The same went for the hands that forcibly grabbed her arms and legs and pinned her to the deck. However, the sharp bite of the handcuffs and leg irons digging into her flesh was enough to properly rouse her. She hurt... a lot, but the far more worrying sight was the grey-clad individuals that surrounded her. Oh shit, GJ! She struggled slightly when two of the agents grabbed her arms and hauled her to her feet. Except that brief flash of minor resistance was all she had to give and she could do nothing to prevent them from dragging her towards the open rear hatch of a helicopter. Glancing to her right, she just managed to catch sight of Kimmie and the woman striding towards her; Betty! she growled internally, what the fuck is she doing here? Her brain quickly put two and two together. Princess fucking brought GJ down on us! That fucking bitch! Next second, she felt her feet leave the ground before the agents roughly threw her into the back of the chopper.

"Fuck!" Shego cried out, as she crashed down onto the metal floor and pain flooded her already battered and bruised body. It seemed the disposition of GJ's agents towards her had not changed one iota.

On her hands and knees, like she was some wild animal that had just been rounded up, Shego felt herself being picked up and shoved inside a metal cage. While there was enough space for her to stand, that would not likely be happening, regardless of the journey time from here to jail.

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