S210 (U4): I can read your mind like a magazine

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Author's note:

Right, ok, here we are again, another update to And You And I.

First, an apology is in order from myself for two things. One, this update is a day late and two, it's only a single chapter. By the time I finished editing this chapter last night it was 4am and I was too tired to post it, hence why it's late. And the reason it is only a single chapter is twofold. First, I went to re-play a little bit of the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot and have subsequently finished both it and Rise of the Tomb Raider 100% and started Shadow of the Tomb Raider, so I've not written a damn thing this past week (yeah, I know, my bad, lol). However, the main reason is that the actual content of this chapter has wound up getting orphaned from where it was originally supposed to sit in the story. While I came up with a lot of different things I wanted to incorporate on Shego's side of the story at the start of season two, I didn't really have much structure or cohesion for them when I actually started writing. Hence, why I found myself at a point of no return when I came to write this chapter, given what has happened on Kim's side of the story (Jailbreak, Jailbreak!) Which also means, as you have probably figured out by now, that this chapter is not the Jailbreak chapter you've all been patiently waiting for (yeah, I know, my bad on that one too, lol). However, as I really wanted to include the events of this chapter, it has to be now.

Anyway, for this chapter, the title: I can read your mind like a magazine, is a lyric from the Hawkwind song Psi Power, taken from their 1978 album 25 years on (released under the name Hawklords because of legal issues). The reason, you'll soon find out.

Finally, as always, a massive thank you to everyone who has voted for this story or left me a comment. I hope you enjoy this small update and I'll see you at the end.


Normality. A strange notion and one that Shego despised. The thought that she might ever be considered 'normal' felt abhorrent to her. She'd been eight the last time that term could ever have been applied to her; before the Team Go comet crashed into the family treehouse and permanently altered her physiology. And she had endured all the shit the world had been able to throw at her because of her green skin and tendency to set things on fire, to the point that she had embraced her weirdness a long, long time ago. She applied this same principle to other people too. Normal people tended to bore her, thus she had little time for them. So, for her to wake up and be thankful that she felt normal was a strange thing indeed.

Shego opened her eyes when the claxon sounded to signal the start of the prison day. Her gaze travelled around the drab cell and even though everything in sight was grey, it felt like it was bursting with colour, such was the stark difference in how she saw it in comparison to yesterday. Wow, I never knew grey could look this good. Her mind quickly recalled what had happened when she'd woken during the night and a thin smile formed on her lips, however, I think I prefer green. Focusing all her energy on her right hand, which was still concealed from all but her view by her blanket, she watched a green glow surround it for a few seconds before it faded. Hello, old friend. We've got a lot of work to do if we're going to get out of here... if I'm going to see Kimmie. She knew it was risky, that if she got caught using her glow she would probably find herself subjected to another dose of the GJ serum, however, the more she used it, the quicker it would regenerate to a level that would allow her to escape... to see Kimmie.

"Urgh, don't tell me you're still all zombified."

Shego heard the voice of Bonnie and looked up to see her cellmate staring at her. A sassy smile formed on her lips. "Given that the grey mush they fed me while in the hole looked like stewed brains, can you blame me?"

If she'd not had her emerald green gaze zeroed in on the former cheerleader, she probably would have missed the faint smile that formed on the girl's lips before she replied, "I swear when I get out of here, I'm going to eat so much Bueno Nacho." Bonnie then sighed, "I could murder a chimmerito right about now."

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