S229(U13): I am not you, I am me

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Author's note:

Ok, chapter two of this update. This time we are visiting Kim and the title: I am not you, I am me, is a line from the Hawkwind song Dragons and fables, which some of you will recall was a chapter title back in season one. As for the meaning, you might already be able to figure it out, if not, you soon will.



It had been a good week for Kim Possible. No, seriously, it really had been a good week. In fact, a good week and a half. And for the first time in over two months, she finally felt like things had returned to a state of normality, or at least what passed for normal in her alternate lifestyle. Better still, she genuinely felt happy with her life. Her work life had been great, her family life felt properly on track for the first time in two years and best of all, she had a new frenemy. Ok, scratch that, first frenemy, as she'd never been both friends and enemies with an individual from her rouge's gallery before. Yep, life was good...

Kim opened the door to her penthouse apartment and leisurely crossed the threshold. It was Friday night and she was done for the week, having foiled a supervillain by the name of Moonlight Shadow, who had threatened to blow up the Statue of Liberty if he had not been given ten million dollars and the time-dilation-accelerator. She'd almost burst out laughing when she'd heard his demand in person and gladly told him that the only prototype of the time-dilation-accelerator had been stolen by Shego several weeks ago and subsequently turned to slag when Dr Drakken's volcano lair had been destroyed. Things had then played out in the usual manner; he'd sent the goons after her, she'd defeated them with ease, he'd tried to fight her, she'd kicked his butt and in defeat, he'd tried to blow up the monument, only to find that she'd already diffused his bomb, she'd then handed his sorry ass to the police and jetted off before GJ had a chance to show up, if they had even bothered; she did not know.

It was something Kim had wrestled with for the first time the previous week; turning a supervillain over to the police and it had all been based around whether Global Justice would show up to cart them off to Captain Brooks' hellhole. Having seen first-hand how Shego was treated, she'd found herself with somewhat of a moral dilemma. On the one hand, she could not, in good conscience, allow a supervillain to go free, as they would unquestionably only cause more trouble, but on the other, she did not like how Brooks ran her facility one bit. In the end, like it or not, the good Captain was the lesser of two evils. Free supervillains carried too much risk to the public and while the prison might be a rather nasty bed, the supervillains had, in a roundabout way, made it for themselves and so had to lie in it.

After arriving home in Middleton, Kim had kept her word for the second week running and gone to see her mom to get herself patched up. Not that she'd needed it. Much like the previous week, a quick check-up had revealed that her only injuries had been a small surface scratch on her upper right arm, which hadn't even merited a band-aid and a small bruise on her left forearm; the result of her overzealously blocking an incoming punch. She'd stayed for dinner on both occasions and genuinely enjoyed the evenings, for not a word had been said that even insinuated that she needed to changed her lifestyle and settle down. However, the Tweebs had not been happy to see her last week, owing to the fact that they'd concocted their own plan to get her to come over, which supposedly would have got them double dessert for a month and she'd gone and ruined it by coming over of her own accord. For Kim, that had simply been the icing on the cake.

Closing the apartment door behind her and activating its many locks and defence mechanisms, she flicked on the lights and headed across the main living area, down the hall and into her workroom. Carefully, she unpacked her bags and stored her various gadgets back in their proper place. It's nice to have an entire room I can dedicate to my work stuff. I remember when I lived with Ron, it was a nightmare. My wardrobe was barely large enough for my normal clothes, storage space was at a premium and he had a bad habit of borrowing my gadgets to do stupid stuff like opening jars of gherkins and never bothered to put them back. I found that one out the hard way... She really had. Out on a mission and trapped inside your classic room that was steadily filling with water, she'd been unable to find either her laser lipstick or her oxygen ring and so had to hold her breath for over a minute while she took a crash refresher course in how to manually pick a lock. When she'd finally got home; soaked to the skin, it had transpired that Ron had borrowed both and not returned them, the former to open the aforementioned jar of gherkins and the latter simply because he wanted to swim underwater at the local pool.

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