Chapter 15: You drown me out

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Shego viciously kicked the front door closed behind her and if it were not for the fact it had some mad-science steel running through its core, her foot would unquestionably have gone through it. Storming into the living room, she threw herself down onto the sofa. With a loud bang, she slammed Kimmie's bottle of Aftershock onto the glass surface of the coffee table and was lucky not to have shattered it. In her other hand, she held the vodka that had been her forfeit bottle and wasted no time in unscrewing the cap. She was pissed and not in the fun sense that involved having drunk copious amounts of alcohol, although she had in fact done that. No, she was pissed at the way in which the evening had turned sour, at herself for letting her guard down around Kimmie and for having to burn the alcohol out of her system in order to ride home. Throwing the cap onto the coffee table, she brought the bottle up to her lips and swallowed a large mouthful, burning the back of her throat in the process.

The only saving grace, she thought bitterly as she reached down to unzip her boots before viciously kicking them off. She was, of course, referring to the fact that the vodka tasted semi-pleasant without any sort of mixer. Or at least as pleasant as straight vodka could be. Personally, if she were drinking straight spirits for enjoyment, she'd much rather a proper Scottish malt whiskey. However, this was not drinking for pleasure, no. This was drinking in order to inhibit her own thoughts to the point that she wouldn't be able to tell the letter A from the number 1. All in the name of avoiding...

"...well, that was a fine mess you made of this evening," the voice of her own little pain in the ass said in a sarcastically light-hearted manner.

Go away! Shego snapped as she took another large mouthful of vodka. Her eyes looked at the level of liquid left in the bottle. In hindsight, it had been quite the waste of money; paying for a full bottle at Spritzers mark-up price, when she had only drunk three shots out of a potential seventeen during the course of their game. Granted, she had anticipated it lasting a lot longer. However, she'd had about the equivalent of another three since; meaning there was roughly eleven left. She groaned, probably going to need another bottle in order to shut that smug asshole up. Her eyes drifted to the Aftershock on the table. While it definitely tasted worse than the vodka, she would probably be drunk enough not to care by the time she started on it, so it was better that than something far nicer from her liquor cabinet.

"So, should we start with how you spectacularly misread Kimmie's signals, or jump straight in at the part where you were a complete and utter bitch to her?"

If you don't shut the hell up, I'm going to chug this whole bottle right here, right now! Shego spat viciously. She took another drink as if to emphasize her point.

"Oh, please. Like you haven't tried that one before," he little devil's advocated mocked sarcastically. "You know fine well it doesn't work."

She ground her teeth. Unfortunately, the smug bastard was right. As though it had a mind of its own, which she had a sneaking suspicion it might, her glow had a tendency to activate itself if it judged her life might be in danger. Absentmindedly, she rubbed at a thin scar on her left wrist; she'd found that out the hard way. Regardless, it saw a quick, mass influx of alcohol into her system as something potentially hazardous and so activated itself in order to burn it off. It didn't stop her drinking a full bottle of vodka over the course of an hour or so, just if she tried to consume the same amount within a few minutes. Which meant she would be at the mercy of her little devil's advocate until such time as she could slowly build up the level of alcohol in her bloodstream.

When it received no meaningful response from her, the devil's advocate rolled its non-existent eyes and said, "why don't we start out with something easy?"

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