S302(U1): Open your eyes, you'll get a surprise

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Author's note:

Right, so one chapter down, one to go and this time we get to find out what horrible fate has befallen poor Kim. This time, the chapter title: Open your eyes, you'll get a surprise, is the opening lyric to the Hawkwind track Reefer Madness, which if memory serves, is also a film.



Chapter Two: Open your eyes, you'll get a surprise

"Oh, my god, what have you done!" a voice said in sheer astonishment. There was a pause, before the individual then semi-yelled, "and why are you dressed like that!"

"Umm, given you exactly what you've been moaning about for the past three weeks," a second replied sarcastically. "You should be thanking me. And I wanted to look the part."

Kim groaned internally, her head aching. While she'd heard the voices, her brain had not yet awoken enough for her to have understood any of what they had said.

"Oh god... this is kidnap..." the first groaned in a long-suffering manner, "...kidnap!"

"Hardly," the second scoffed. "More like unaware transportation."

She tried to move her hands, so that she might rub her temples but found she couldn't. However, the little movement she could manage with her arms informed her that her limbs ached and she could feel the echo of some sort of shock... an electric shock. The memory of the pain she had experienced after the stun-stick had hit her in the back flashed through Kim's mind, shit!

"If this isn't kidnap," the first individual said. While their voice had started out calm and slow, it suddenly rocketed up in both pitch and tempo, "why is she hogtied and gagged!"

On hearing those words, Kim was sure she recognised the voice, but the content of them had made her aware of the ropes around her wrists and ankles and the thick wad of material that had been stuffed in her mouth. As she furiously tried to move; her eyes snapped open, or at least they would have done had all her movements not been exceptionally sluggish, but they were immediately flooded with light, causing her to try and promptly close them.

"Well, duh, I had to like ensure she was secure for transport," the second replied, as though this should have been obvious. "It's no big."

"Quinn," the first voice said, desperately sounding as though they were trying to stop themselves from losing their cool again, "you just kidnapped Kim Possible." There was a slight pause and then the penny seemed to drop in respect to how big of a deal this was, "YOU JUST KIDNAPPED KIM POSSIBLE! Oh man, we are so dead!"

"Prft, it wasn't hard," the second replied in a derisive tone. "She always has to play the hero and save the helpless hostage. Besides, unlike those moronic supervillains, I actually bothered to confiscate all her toys, so she won't be escaping on us."

Kim cursed into her gag, "mmph!" on hearing this, her fingers having been trying to locate the pouch on her belt that contained her laser lipstick. That's what you think! Tentatively, she opened her eyes again.

"Oh god, now she's awake!"

This time Kim did recognise the voice of the first speaker, just as her eyes managed to adjust and the blonde-haired; lanky figure came into focus. Ron? she thought incredulously, even though she could now properly see and hear him, what the hell? "Mmmph!" she then said indignantly. Ok, he is right, he is so dead!

"Uhhh, Kim..." Ron said in a placating voice, "...please don't get mad at me..."

A thunderous expression formed on Kim's face, mad! I am waaay past mad and into murderous! "MMMPH!"

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