S233(U16): A day in the life

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Author's note:

Hello, All and welcome to the second weekly update that will take us straight through to the end of season two. This week I have a single chapter for you, however, it's another monster. Lol, I don't know how many times I've said this throughout the course of this story, but yet again, this chapter has broken the record for the longest chapter I have ever written; clocking in at 23048 words.

This chapter was not fun to write, at least not to begin with. It was while writing the first scene that I started to lose my motivation, which quickly died as I wrote the second scene. Eventually, I tried to get back into my grove by writing one particular scene from later on and it was an absolute disaster. However, once I finally got back to writing, I did enjoy working on the rest of it and the direction it took come the end. As for the title, this is one of the most simple and generic ones I've used so far, as so much happens in it and I honestly could not pick out an overarching theme for which to find a song title or lyric. So, I've gone with the name of one of the few Beatles songs I like, which is A day in the life.

As always, my thanks to everyone who has supported me since I started writing this story, it is very much appreciated.

It is also with great pride that I received notification today that And You And I and myself (under my FF pen name K1G0) have been nominated for several awards at the 16th annual KP Fannies Awards. So, if I may be so bold, if you have enjoyed this story and think it merits it, may I ask you to take a moment to visit the link below and consider voting for both And You And I and myself in the categories that we've been nominated for. Those categories (for the first round of voting) are as follows:

Best KP OC: Captain Brooks
Best Minor character: Ann Possible
Best Villain: Captain Brooks
Best KiGo story: And You And I
Best Romance: And You And I
Best M-rated novel-sized story: And You And I
Best new writer: K1G0
Best story of 2020: And You And I
Best writer: K1G0

The link to the voting page is as follows: https://www.deviantart.com/sharper-the-writer/journal/16th-Annual-KP-Fannies-Voting-Round-1-REDO-889918440

Thank you all once again and I hope you enjoy the update.


It had been largely overcast, albeit still warm for the trek across Germany. Flying below the clouds and using the faulty cloaking device when it had chosen to work, Shego had set a somewhat brisk pace, given that it was four-hundred miles between Kassel and Amsterdam. She'd awoken at seven-thirty am and had to put a tiny plasma ball up Ru-Ru's butt to get him to rise. Afterwards, she'd showered and then dressed in a pair of dark grey shorts and a turquoise halter vest, which showed a little of her cleavage. A pair of high-topped blue converse and her thick Ray-Ban's had completed the outfit. For a change, she'd had her hair put into a long, thick braid at the hotel's hair salon. She'd then had breakfast in the restaurant, after which she'd checked out and hit the sky by just after nine. By half-past ten, she'd crossed the border and the clouds had started to clear.

Eyes lazily scanning the horizon, Shego frowned when something whizzed across the path of her gaze on the road below, the sound of an engine roaring reaching her ears almost instantaneously. What the hell is that? Curiosity naturally got the better of her and so she picked up her scope to locate the speeding object and then started to laugh when she found the purple blur, Kimmie. I guess it's no surprise we've crossed paths, given we came from the same place and have the same destination. A grin formed on her black lips.

"Hey, Ru-Ru," Shego said, turning to look at the passenger seat.

Ru-Ru, who had only recently woken up from a nap, yawned and looked up at her with bleary-black eyes. "Rah," he said somewhat sleepily.

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