S212(U6): Band on the run

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Author's note:

Ok everyone, welcome back. After much sweat, blood and tears on my part and a lot of (im)patient waiting on your part, here it is at last; the conclusion to the jailbreak. Seriously, I've been up since 7:30 this morning reading and editing these chapters for you. After three single chapter updates, it feels good to get back to a proper sized update, in this instance four chapters worth!

Before we get started, I want to thank you all for the great response to the last chapter. I really hope this conclusion lives up to your expectations.

Right, let's get started. As you are probably all eager to get to the actual chapter or have already skipped this author's note, I'll be brief. This chapter is titled after the Paul McCartney and wings song Band on the run, from the album of the same name (remember chapter eight of this season used a lyric from it). As I'm a fan of the song and album, it wouldn't have felt right not to use it as a title for a jailbreak chapter. So, without further ado, enjoy.


It was a quiet night, with only a light summer breeze wafting through the cool air. The sky was a clear sheet of dark navy and sprinkled with specks of light from the twinkling collection of stars. Down below on the dry, dusty, compacted dirt, which in daylight was a terracotta colour, a coyote slinked in search of its dinner. A dinner that was, unknown to the canine at the time, about to scamper into its hole and not come out again for the rest of the night. For a few hundred yards away, a tremendous racket sounded as sirens began to wail and the entire area was suddenly bathed in a white light that would trump Las Vegas when it came to brightness.

Between the inner and outer walls of the penitentiary, Kim Possible, pro-hero and world saviour and Shego, supervillain and global menace, were currently hurtling down towards a literal minefield of concussive charges, which the prison's Lieutenant had boasted could take down an elephant. For once, as (K)impossible as it may have been, the pair were actually on the same side; the former having just broken the latter out of her cell. Unfortunately, luck had not been on their side. At about the same time the pair had been perched atop the inner wall; one of the prison guards had looked into the green-skinned woman's cell and noticed the window bars had been missing. Naturally, he had hurriedly gone inside, discovered one of the cell's inmates was missing and promptly sounded the alarm. Kim had just pulled up onto the top of the outer wall when the alarm had blared in her ears and the voltage across the razor wire in which her legs had been entangled had shot up ten-fold. The resultant shock had blasted her backwards and caused Shego to lose her grip from around her neck; sending the pair plummeting towards the minefield below.

The sound of the sirens seemed muffled as Kim's brain tried to cut through the wall of pain and tell her that she was now hurtling towards the ground. Her vision was blurry and had it not been for her battle suit, she would unquestionably have been unconscious... or worse. For a few very brief moments, during which she rapidly descended, she was utterly helpless. Then everything happened at once.

It did not matter that Shego, who had received less of a shock than Kimmie, managed to get her brain into gear a few seconds earlier than her rival. For she had absolutely no means by which to escape her impending encounter with the hard ground and its buried explosives. Arms flailing, she made a grab for any part of Kimmie that she could get her hands on. Unfortunately, given that the hero's stealth-camo was still active, she could not see a single one of girl's flaming-red hairs, let alone a limb to grab hold of. Unsurprisingly, the thought that filled her mind was a very loud, SHIT!

The second Kim's brain managed to inform her of the situation, the adrenaline kicked in and her body immediately reacted. Her gaze blurred by tears and the pain that still coursed through her, she forced herself to do two things simultaneously. With her right hand, she fired the grapple at the top of the wall, while her left grabbed at the almost impossible to detect heat signature that was Shego.

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