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chapter twenty two
iii. long ring island arc

"So you're trying to say that Shoto was the one who refereed earlier?"

Earning a nod from Nami and Usopp, Porche glanced at the isolated boy who sat by the log while watching Luffy make a flag for the new Foxy Pirates. Still the same crew but a more terrible flag.

"I don't buy it."

"Eh?!" The two strawhats were in disbelief. Did they seriously believe that they can't picture Shoto as lively? Sure, he was as cold as his ice and was more indifferent than anything else, but he has a nice side too.

Nonetheless, at least they weren't going to see the annoying pirates now.

"Was it really a good decision to not sink the treasure to the bottom of the sea?" The heterochromatic joked seriously, watching as Nami now guarded her treasure like a wild cat.

"Shoto." She gazed dangerously.

"Wait, Nami-swan! He's joking." Sanji had to do his best from holding off the tangerine haired lady, getting himself bonked in the process.

"Listen, Shoto. If you're gonna joke, you have to put a lighter expression with more amusement and humor. You can't say a joke with a straight face like that, got it?" Usopp went to teach him.

It's been a few days since they felt the land, and in those short amount of days, they got more and more closer and comfortable to Shoto. Nami can freely discipline him now and the rest of the crew can even pester him.

It was a development they were looking forward to see.

"Try smiling." Hearing Usopp's suggestion to Shoto, everyone's heads shot towards their direction, waiting for the smile they never saw.

"Umm. . ." Shoto hesitantly tried to scratch the back of his neck but realized the pain in his arm can't reach that far yet.

They waited.

Then slowly, Shoto smiled, closing his eyes in the process. Everyone then turned away, trying to hide their expressions. All except Luffy who snickered and continued eating his meat. Robin also only smiled and looked back at her book along with Nami to her cash.

"Alright, I'll prepare more food." Sanji excused himself and went inside the kitchen.

"You should smile more often!" Usopp ushered Shoto who timidly sat on the floor leg crossed with Chopper changing his bandages.

"I. . . There is nothing to smile about most of the time."

Usopp paused, looking around the ship before spotting a mosshead coming their way while holding a red shirt. After reaching a distance of a few feet away from them, Shoto looked at Zoro curiously before a shirt was handed to him.

"Here, I haven't worn it by the way so you don't have to worry about it smelling bad." Zoro said, earning a not so discreet snicker from Usopp. "I kinda noticed how the foxy shirt is uncomfortable on you and the face of that Captain is emphasized so. . ."

Chuckling, Shoto faintly smiled in amusement. "Yeah, the foxy shirt is really ugly. But thanks, Zoro, you've always lent me your shirts that I honestly feel bad."

"Don't be."

And with that, the marimo turned his heels and walked towards his usual napping place.

As Shoto changed his shirt with Chopper's help, he noticed the scent. It had the marimo's faint scent but it wasn't smelly, quite the opposite actually. Which was a great surprise.

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