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chapter thirty four
v. enies lobby arc

Shoto did not know what to think as he saw different reactions from his crewmates, some were amazed, disappointed, and he couldn't read the other looks. He felt like he should have dug up a hole and die at that very moment.

"I'm sorry but are you sure you didn't hit your head too hard?"

"Even from how crazy it sounds, I'm serious here." Shoto sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose only to realize it was broken. It made him wince, and almost instantly did the Doctor come and check the damage.

"Shoto," Nami was slowly approaching him, and because of her slow movements, the heterochromatic started backing away until he was up against the railings of the ship. Raising her hand, Shoto found himself shutting his eyes close, ready to take responsibility for his lies.

But he was only surprised to see how she pulled him into a tight hug.

"H-Huh?" Shoto stammered in confusion. "Aren't you going to hit me?"

Pulling away, Nami shook her head, "Why would I do that? You're already injured enough."

"Oh, Shoto~" Usopp sobs as he hugged the boy, emotionally clutching him as a form of comfort. Now, the heterochromatic was utterly confused.

"You should of told us you were feeling this way." Robin stated. "I was wondering about your powers, but I guess this explains it."

Shoto was soon engulfed by everyone, and although his confusion, he was appreciating their actions.

"So, umm. . . You're not mad at me?" The boy asked hesitantly, watching as it was now the crew's turn to look at him skeptically.

"Mad? Why would we be?"

"I. . . I basically lied this entire time about my identity, fruit, and amnesia." Shoto told. "I don't get why how you can believe me this easily, don't you at least have any ounce of doubt? What if I'm still lying? What if—"

"We know you're not the type to lie about things like this. And even if we're still a little butt-hurt that you kept this from us, it's all good now that you had the guilt to admit everything to us."

"I see. . . I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted!" Luffy exclaimed, soon wrapping a tired arm around his younger crewmate. "And you said you came from another world? That's so cool! Tell me all about it!"

Nami bonked the Captain's head, making Luffy clutch his head in pain.

"Enough." Nami scolded. "Let's all get rest first and talk about it again when we all fully recovered

Zoro sighed as he sat down, putting his swords by his side, ready to take a nap already. Same was for Sanji who seemed a little conflicted upon knowing Shoto's full back story, he could somehow sympathize. But he felt closer to the boy after knowing all this.

And he was sure the whole crew was feeling the same.

As they all headed towards their chambers, everyone halted upon seeing how Shoto remained fixated on the sea, not moving at all.

"Uh, Shoto? You good?"

The said boy tilted his head to face them, and they were surprised to see tears forming by the corner of Shoto's eyes, but the thing that they took notice of the most was the happy and genuine smile plastered on his face.

They all felt like time stopped right there and then.

"Thank you. . ." Shoto's voice cracked silently. No words could express how happy he was, and he never had the ability to express himself properly. "Thank you for believing in me."

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