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chapter seventy-one
xiii. punk hazard arc

Law had his own guesses on what kind of questions Shoto had to ask.

But much to his surprise, it was sensible and no longer involved concerns about the misunderstanding. He must be concerned for his crew's safety after hearing those threatening rumble of steps. He can't blame him.

"What's inside the facility?" Shoto asked as they started walking towards one direction.

"You haven't caught wind of it?" Law arched a brow. He assumed they at least knew something about what was inside. Unless Shoto is a little. . . Uninformed.

"Other than hearing the exploiting of children, I don't have any other clues of what's inside. It may be convenient for me if you tell me at least little information." Shoto explained.

Law's brows then furrowed. "You plan to break in?"

"I thought it was my turn to ask the questions?" Shoto reflected, shaking his head as his eyes remained straight ahead.

"Right." Law nodded. "But can I ask one last thing?" He raised his head, eyes meeting Shoto's figure.

The heterochromatic casted him a glance, eyes visibly filled with curiosity upon what he had to say. But he can't help but be wary. As much as he trusts Law, he can't help but wonder just which side he belongs in. From what he knows, the surgeon is suspiciously roaming the island without being captured. That could only mean he worked for the enemy, unless he had his own scheming motives.

"Can you do well against gas?" Law asked.

What an odd question. What does that have to do with anything? Shoto wondered.

"Depends on what kind." Shoto chose to answer instead of dwelling further. "I'd say my fire would work pretty efficiently against gas since chemical combustion do exist, making my fire spread more efficiently." He said in thought.

"The gas molecules combine with oxygen in the air resulting in burning. The heat generated by the reaction is what sustains the fire. The heat of the flame will keep remaining fuel at ignition temperature. The flame ignites gases being emitted, and the fire spreads." Law added, making Shoto nod. "Your fire can't exactly cancel the gas but it's enough to burn Caesar despite being logia. . ." He trailed off in a murmur.

Shoto met his match. But he shouldn't be too surprised, Law studied science and med, he'd be more surprised if Law didn't know anything about it.

"Then, what about it?" He persists. "Is there something my fire is needed for?"

"Yes." Law replied with certainty. "I'll help you get to your crew quicker and even fight off the yeti brothers, in return-- you help me with something. Does that sound good?"

Shoto can surely defeat whoever the yeti brothers are since this island is his natural domain, with possessing both of the main elements. But he's not sure if he can navigate to his crew quicker. And a deal with Law is promising, he'll get to know more about the facility and may attain information that can help his crew.


As promised, Law easily located the yeti brothers and brought them down with a single slice. Luffy was surprised to see Law show up to supposedly help them, even more surprised to see Shoto right behind him too.

As Law went to talk to Luffy about a certain key, whatever that means-- Shoto glanced at the rampaging Franky who was in Chopper's body. It was terrifying.

"Form an alliance with me." Law saif to Luffy, tone impassive and serious as always as he casted the heterochromatic at the corner of his eyes, seeing the boy still looking at the monster form with familiar interest.

Seeing that it was not the right time to fan over unusual things, Shoto quickly returned to where his Captain is, seeing him being whispered by Law about some confidential enemy or whatnot. Shoto was interested but he didn't want to be annoying.

"All right!"

Did Law make a deal with Luffy the same way he did Shoto? He's not sure but it wasn't originally in the plan.


"No what?" Luffy picked his nose.

After returning to the crew, he told his crew about the alliance and they were fervently against it. Nothing out of normal. It was Law who switched their bodies after all, and suddenly coming up to say they formed an alliance? It's against their grudges.

"He may look like that but he can't be trusted, Luffy!" Usopp murmured.

Nami nodded in agreement. "Have you forgotten? He tricked poor Shoto into marrying his ass because no one that good-looking wanted him!" She defended. "All I'm saying is that he shouldn't be trusted."

Shoto was getting sleepy with all the arguments. He suspected that it wouldn't end well but should it matter? It's their Captain's decision, no matter what his own opinion may be, he can't exactly do anything about it.

"Alliances are important in the new world, but I may warn you, Luffy-san, alliances between pirates are often marked with betrayals." Robin spoke up.

That sounds heavy.

Luffy crossed his arms against his chest, looking blankly at Law. "Will you betray me?" He asked stupidly.

Law shook his head. "No." He replied.

Luffy was satisfied with the answer as he turned to his crew with a wide grin and a thumbs up.

They were exasperated.

"What do you have to say about this, Shoto?" Usopp dramatically turned the attention towards their silent crew member who was simply observing from the sidelines.

Shoto shifted under the weight of their stares.

"Well, it's Luffy's decision and I think Law's not a bad guy. . ." To have formed a deal with the surgeon himself, Shoto really can't say much against Luffy's decision since he didn't oppose to the idea of getting allies to begin with.

"Sounds bias," Nami chimed in. "Don't you agree, Usopp?"

"Totally." The sharpshooter nodded his head firmly.

"And besides, don't you think the alliance would also give Law the opportunity to woo our precious crewmember? It's unacceptable! I'm sure Zoro and Sanji will oppose to it." Nami crossed her arms against her chest. She definitely did not trust the plotting surgeon.

"True." Usopp nodded again.

Shoto shook his head. Was that really what they're concerned with? Law isn't that type of guy as far as he knows.

"Just give in, Luffy isn't changing his mind any time sooner." Robin stated, gesturing towards Luffy who was already off doing whatever without paying their protests any mind.

It was settled. The heart pirates and the strawhat pirates are under an alliance to defeat one of the emperors, Kaido.

And Shoto doesn't know how to feel about having to eventually defeat a dtagon-turning person.

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