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chapter sixty-four
xii. fishman island arc 

As soon as they returned, a feast was thrown. Everyone was in their high spirits.

Performers, singers, and dancers were present and it was just utterly lively. Although the loud barring music was pounding Shoto's head, he couldn't complain when he was on his 6th bowl of soba.

"Shoto-san, try this." Brook brought him a donut, holding it for him to bite since Shoto's hands were full at the moment.

The heterochromatic took a big bite and he nodded, humming at the flavors gracing his taste buds.

"Brook-san, this is delicious. I don't remember trying a donut this good before." He stated his honest review. And the skeleton couldn't agree more.

"Fishman island is a wonderful place."

"It is." Shoto nodded. "Our next journey will be entering the new world, so I hope this doesn't make everyone let their guards down."

Luffy's stomach was filled.

Zoro was drowning in sake.

Sanji was in the midst of being surrounded by mermaids.

Nami was overwhelmed with treasures and gold.

Usopp and Chopper was enjoying the show.

And the adults, Robin and Franky (without Brook) was finding their own enjoyment in their interests.

Shoto was merely seated by a flying seat with Brook, finding the skeleton's presence enough to put himself into company. He was glad that everyone was enjoying themselves.

Suddenly, someone familiar swam their way, seating herself in front of them.

"Camie-san, what a wonderful pleasure to have you join us." Brook greeted politely. He was refraining himself from asking to see her panties since he's unsure if mermaids wear one.

"Camie-san." Shoto nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hello, Brook, it's nice to see you again." Camie smiled before turning her attention to the heterochromatic. "Shoto Macaroni-san, I'm a big fan."

"It's Todoroki. . ."

Of course, his opinion didn't matter as everyone seems to have the tendency to brush it off.

"We didn't have many opportunity to speak but I would like to thank you for saving me back in Sabaody." She sincerely said while bowing her head. "And Hachi sends his regards."

"Ah, there's no need to thank me. Really. It was all thanks to Rayleigh-san's help. And do send Hachi-san my greetings as well."

"No, I really do feel the need to thank you. You saved me from those traders back then, and even though you didn't succeed, I'm still very grateful." Camie informed.

"Huh. . . I did?" Shoto mumbled as he thought back. Did he really?

As he thought back deeper. He finally remembered. It was when he first met Law, to think about it, he did go after Camie in attempt to save her from being sold.

"Ah, that time."

"Please listen intently though." Camie leaned to whisper. Brook perked up from beside Shoto, ready to hear all the tea. "My mermaid friends want to send their regards to you." She nudged her head to the direction of the former dancers from a while ago.

Shoto was a little lost.

"Send their regards? I see. I send them my greetings as well." He casually waved at them.

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