Chapter Three: Hyde, Noon and Reese

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The boy's eyes were scanning every corner of the scenery in front of him. It was so beautiful! There was a very vast green field in front of him, and contrasting the green grassy land, there stood Hyde's maroon house. Knowing the look of curiosity in Hikaru's eyes, Hyde told Hikaru to look around while he went to tend to his guest.

Hikaru watched as Hyde walked toward the red haired young man who was standing angrily in front of Hyde's door. That guy was staring directly at Hikaru as if he was poking a hole on Hikaru's face with his gaze. Hikaru smiled at him, but he was ignored. Hikaru shrugged and walked away.

The boy's eyes wandered around the surrounding. Hyde's house design was similar to English traditional country cottage in Earth. It had thatched roof, which made the half brick, half wooden house looked more traditional and unique. The house itself was not really big, but not that small. If Hikaru were to describe it, it was family-sized.


Hikaru paused.

"I wonder if it was okay for me to live here. What if Hyde had a family?" Hikaru frowned. He didn't want to be a burden to Hyde. Surely if Hyde had his family living there, his family must be feeling uncomfortable if a stranger suddenly barged in their house. Hikaru remembered when he was temporarily living in his aunt's house when his parents were in the process of divorcing. He felt so out of place and uncomfortable.

Hikaru shook his head and continued to view the house.

Earlier, he was amazed by the sturdiness of the fence that surrounded the land which was made out of bricks and stones stacked together neatly. Hikaru came from the city, so this kind of things amazed him greatly. Right in front of the house, there was a small wooden gate that was painted in white. It was cute and looked handmade. Maybe Hyde made it himself?

Hikaru headed to a big tree near the stone fence. He leaned his body on the tree, enjoying the shade. Then, the black haired boy looked at the distance and saw fields of wild flower covering some part s of the green grass. It was pleasing to the eyes. There were a field of yellow flowers glistening under the sunlight. Was it butterweed? Or was it canola? Or maybe yellowrocket? He reckoned that none of the flowers existed in this world.

Hikaru directed his eyes back to the house. Next to the house, he saw a small farm with all kinds of vegetation which probably grew by Hyde. Hikaru smiled. For a city boy like him who was sick of the hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle, he found that this house was a pleasant and comfortable place to live in.

Hikaru's eyes met Hyde's. Hyde smiled and beckoned him to his side. Hikaru quickly headed to Hyde's side. Hyde pointed his hand toward the redhead.

"This is Reese, my childhood friend." Hyde introduced the grumpy Reese to Hikaru. Hikaru felt like he was intruding between them when Reese just blatantly showed them that he wasn't welcomed there.

Hyde glared at the redhead and dragged Reese closer to his side. He gestured his hand toward Hikaru, "This is Hikaru. Like I said before, he's going to live with me for now. Be nice to him."

Reese grumbled before nodding his head. The redhead then pouted at Hyde.

"But if he's gonna live here, then I will too!" Reese demanded.

Hyde ruffled Reese's head while giving the guy a gentle smile. "I expect you to be Hikaru's friend while he's here. I can count on you, right?"

Reese grinned brightly and hit his chest with confidence. "Of course!" he said while not noticing Hyde was succeeded in changing the topic. Hikaru was amazed at Hyde's skill on controlling Reese- uh, I mean, controlling the situation.

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