Chapter Twenty Four: I'm Off!

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The temperature had become colder lately, signalling that it was the time to welcome the new season. Leaves had turned reddish, ー and for some, yellowish ー painting the pathways along the canopy of trees on the way to Reese's grandparents' house. It was the day for Reese to go back to work. He pulled Gramps and Granny into his embrace for a long time while nuzzling his face onto their shoulders. He missed them already, even though he still didn't took a single step away from them. Granny patted his back endearingly.

"You spoiled little kitty! If you keep this up, you'll be late to say your goodbye to Hikaru and the rest," scolded Granny, as an amused laugh burst out of his mouth.

"I'm not little anymore, Granny! Geez..." Reese groaned sulkily.

Granny shook his head. "As long as I'm alive, you're my little kitty! You think you're big enough to get away from me?" argued Granny while grinning playfully.

Reese whined, "Graaaampss..."

Gramps who was standing in silence next to Granny, minding his own business shrugged in response. "Granny's the big boss here," he said, laughing.

"I'll have to be called 'little kitty' forever, then. Granny and Gramps have to live forever and never ever leave me. Make sure if something happens, you have to immediately contact Hyde or Noon or Hikaru. They'll be visiting you when I'm gone. And please!" Reese squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows. "Stop trying to do everything by yourself! Geez!"

Granny waved Reese away with an annoyed look. " We know! You said that all the time!"

"If only you would listen, I won't have to say it all the time. Right, Arveg?" Reese's head turned towards the horned lion that was lazily lying on the grass as the lion was sunbathing under the dazzling sunlight. Arveg snorted indifferently and closed his eyes.

"Take good care of Gramps and Granny for me, 'kay buddy? I gotta go now." He nuzzled his head on Arveg's mane as much as he liked before departed to Hyde's house.

As soon as the red haired knight arrived at Hyde's he saw both Hyde and Hikaru was waiting for him at the front yard. Reese's smile was getting wider as he was getting closer to the guys. He went to hug Hyde goodbye first. Hyde ruffled his hair as usual and told him to take care. Reese grinned playfully and shoved his face to Hyde while closing his eyes. Hyde raised his brows, questioning Reese's action.

"A farewell kiss," muttered the 19 year-old kid as he pouted his lips. "Preferably as much as the days I'll be gone."

Hikaru giggled at Reese cute gesture. He really is a spoiled little kid in front of Hyde...

Hyde chuckled and gently pressed his lips on Reese's forehead. Next, he trailed some chaste kisses on Reese's temples, cheeks, nose, eyelids and chin before ended it with an affectionate Eskimo kiss. Reese smiled joyfully and took the initiative to plant a peck on Hyde's soft lips. He nuzzled into the base of Hyde's neck as he was taking in his beloved Partner's calming scent.

"Take good care of our Jiwa, Partner. Take care of yourself and our idiot Partner too. I'm gonna miss lots." The redhead's voice quietly entered Hyde's ears like a soft breeze gently stroking his skin. Hyde inhaled Reese's minty citrus scent as deep into his lungs as he could and let go of the younger boy.

"I will. Work hard, Reese. Make sure to rest plenty and eat a lot. Take care, kitten," advised Hyde while stroking Reese's vermillion hair lovingly. He will miss Reese more now that they had recognised themselves as Partners. Reese also usually had to leave for months before he could come back home for a long vacation.

Reese pouted and was faking his grump when he heard Hyde's nickname for him. "Kitten?! Why does everyone loves to call me something like kitten or kitty? Ruru! Make me a better nickname!"

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