Chapter Seventeen: I Like Hikaru Too!

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It was a cold morning today. Hikaru stretched his limbs while letting out a big yawn. He had a good night's sleep and this morning he was a little less groggy than usual. Usually, because of his lack of mana, he always felt tired. Today was different. Guess today would be a good day.

Hikaru rubbed his sleepy eyes and waddled sleepily to Reese's room. He slowly opened the door and peeked inside. There was Reese, sleeping without a care in this world on his single bed. Hikaru decided to let the grumpy cat sleep for a while and he stepped into the kitchen. He wanted to serve them breakfast before Granny woke up.

However, Granny had already beat him to it first. Hikaru smiled sweetly and greeted Granny.

“Oh, hello there! Good morning,” said Granny with a gentle voice that sounded like he was greeting a little kid.

Hikaru loved that tone coming out from Granny. Actually, Hikaru loved it when someone spoiled him, even though he hated to be a burden to anyone. Granny opened his arms wide, gesturing Hikaru to come close. As soon as the boy was within his reach, Granny pulled the sleepy Hikaru into his arms and hugged him tight.

The elderly rocked Hikaru side to side while still hugging him.

“Did you have a good rest?” Granny asked.

Hikaru nodded. “Mhmm. Did you?”

“Oh, I did!” Granny laughed merrily. It seemed like he was in good mood. Oh, Granny had always in a good mood.

Hikaru helped Granny prepared their breakfast, which was colourful fluffy pancakes. It was beautiful and smelled sweet. Hikaru's tummy growled for attention.

Gramps woke up and went to wish Granny and Hikaru a good morning. Hikaru's lips curled up when he saw Gramps gave Granny a back hug and a peck on his cheek. He sincerely wished that he and his future partner(s) would be that sweet too when they were grey.

Granny slapped Gramps’ arm playfully and scolded Gramps for doing that in front of Hikaru. Gramps laughed, amused by Granny's reaction. He sat next to Hikaru after ruffling the boy's hair playfully. Hikaru giggled with glee.

“I love seeing Gramps and Granny like this,” Hikaru stated while flashing a wide smile and giggling in amusement.

Granny looked embarrassed but, a clear joy spread on his aging face.

Hikaru now understood what Reese meant by his grandparents ‘always dating' or ‘being lovey-dovey with each other'. No wonder that spoiled kid would be jealous of the affections that Granny and Gramps showed him everyday.

Reese had already told him not to wake him up for breakfast, so he just let the guy sleep when they eat. When Gramps was getting ready to head to the river near their house to go fishing, Granny nagged because Gramps often spent his time fishing and not doing anything else.

“You're obsessed,” Granny said.

Then, Gramps jokingly said, “It's because I am sick of looking at your face everyday for years! I needed a fresh air.” The elderly Fehu laughed.

Granny nagged again. “You sick of my face now? If you need a reminder, this is the face that accompanied your life for the past 50 years! Now, you dare say that again!”

Hikaru was pale and flustered. He was afraid that would turn into an argument, but when he saw Gramps laughed and kissed Granny's hand, he realised that this kind of things happened often and it was their way of making fun of each other. He was worried for nothing.

That made him wondered, did all married couple bicker with each other like this?

That just showed him that marriage is not for the faintest heart.

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