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It was chaotic! This day had to be perfect!

Noon had been running around the house while holding paper decorations to be hanged on the living room's ceiling. But! Nothing felt right! He sharply glared at Reese who was lying lazily on the couch while watching amusedly at the stressed out Noon.

"Kiddo! Will you help me out now and stop treating me as entertainment? Hikaru could be home in any minute now!" growled Noon in annoyance, with his teeth clenching and grinding against each other.

Reese scoffed and continued munching the sample food he got from Hyde who was peacefully taking his time preparing the party feast in the kitchen.

"I told you that we don't need to be over the top with the decorations. Ruru would appreciate it if we just show our gratification in our own way. You being stressed out over the party for him is not going to make him happy, you dunce." Reese shrugged and jolted up from his seat. Still, he went to Noon's side and casually helped his Partner, hoping that his actions would help Noon to calm down.

"This IS my way. It's so that he could see our effort on making him happy for the day he was born. He said that he hadn't any birthday parties for years, and WE are gonna make the best birthday party for him!" Noon let out a grunt when he tried to tied the decorations on the ceiling which was very much higher than his reach.

Hyde was practically in his own world, free from the decorations war out in the front. He peaked into the oven, hoping that the cookies he was baking turned out well. The cake was already decorated and chilled in the chiller. The roasted Kiki Chicken was resting in the heater, ready to serve. The sparkling wine and the "actually alcoholic" wine were submerged in a bucket full of ice. The table had been set. Everything was done while Noon was stressing out decorating and redecorating the living area.

Then, the three of them perked up from where they were standing and turned their head at the front door almost at the same time.

"Oh! Hikaru is here!" announced Hyde who was quickly ran to the door excitedly.

"Idi- wait!" Noon stumbled against the mess he made on the floor and hurriedly went to stop Hyde.

A loud laugh was coming from Reese who was enjoying the sight presented in front of his eyes, drawing a brief warning glare from Noon.

The door was flung wide open by Hyde, revealing a wide eyed, obsidian haired Hikaru.

"H- hey... How did you know I'm home?" their Jiwa asked with confusion in his face.

Reese who was already standing behind Noon, rested his chin on Noon's shoulder after dragging the latter down to his height. The redhead smiled widely when his eyes caught the sight of Hikaru.

"Welcome home, Ruru~" he said.

Hikaru giggled. "I'm home, guys. What's the occasion?" he asked while kissing his mates one by one.

Hyde grinned widely and locked his arm on Hikaru's and pulled the shorter boy inside. Noon and Reese gave way to them and walked behind the two closely. Hikaru's eyes grew bigger once he saw what happened to the living area.

"Do you like it...?" Noon asked hesitantly while secretly taking a timid glance at Hikaru.

"Wha-" Hikaru's eyebrows woven together, his irises were shaking.

The other were expectantly waiting for Hikaru's next words. Their lips gradually curved upwards with expectations.

"What happened to the living room? How did it become such a mess?!"

The three's shoulders slumped forward in discouragement. Looking at his Partners gloomy faces, Reese hurriedly pulled Hikaru closer to the couch and lifted a banner written, "Happy Birthday, Beloved!" and screamed loudly,

"Happy birthday, Ruru!"

Something just clicked in Hikaru's head. His jaws was hanging open. He quickly took a glance at Noon and Hyde who were standing behind him.

"It's my birthday today!" he shouted, half statement, and half question. He wasn't really sure because the Earth calendar system and Avalleon calendar system were totally different.

"Noon counted the days and concluded that today is your birthday," Hyde explained with his hand pointed at the slightly devastated Noon. Noon nodded his head slowly.

It felt like his heart was filled with so much warmth, that it made his eyes watered. Hikaru ran and jumped on Noon and planted a grateful kiss on his soulmate's oval lips. Noon stumbled back from the impact and swiftly scooped Hikaru from the ground. Their lips were pulled apart after a few seconds before Hikaru brushed another kiss on Noon's smooth lips.

"Thank you, sweets," Hikaru whispered softly.

He turned his head to Hyde and Reese and gifted them the brightest smile he could ever gave them. That made the two's heart squeezed in joy. Noon put Hikaru down so that the teen could run to Hyde next.

Hikaru placed his right hand on Hyde's cheeks and his left arm over Hyde's shoulder. Hyde leaned in and let Hikaru smothered him with adorable pecks and kisses. The two giggled as if something was tickling their hearts.

"I can smell something delicious. Did you prepare a feast?" Hikaru asked Hyde while smooching another kiss on Hyde's lower lips.

"A party need plenty of food, right?" Hyde smirked while his hands were being naughty by squishing Hikaru's chubby cheeks.

Hikaru scrunched his nose and smiled. "Thanks to you too, honeydew."

"Oi! Oi! Where's MY kiss?"

Hikaru looked at Reese who was doing his trademark pouty lips. "Haa... It's hard having three husbands..." murmured Hikaru, pretending to not liking the neediness of his Jiwas.

He was teasing Reese by taking his time to go to the grumpy lion who he knew was faking his grumpiness at this moment. Reese groaned and quickly lifted Hikaru from the ground and smashed them both into the couch with his body being underneath Hikaru.

"Hey, be gentle, kids!" warned Noon who was cleaning up his mess on the floor. Hyde was already on the kitchen, serving the dishes and cutting the cake.

Hikaru lowered his head and kissed Reese's thin lips gently. Reese buried his thick fingers into Hikaru's shiny black hair, while his other hand sneaked inside Hikaru's shirt. Hikaru giggled and smacked Reese's sly hand away.

"We still need to eat dinner or Hyde will be mad," whispered Hikaru.

Reese nibbled on Hikaru's chin and grinned playfully. "Dinner can wait." He slowly brushed his hand down to Hikaru's rounded bottom, making the latter gasped.

"No can do! We'll do it later, 'kay? With everyone." Hikaru let his head down on Reese's firm chest. "Besides, I'm starving..." he whined.

Reese let out long sigh and nodded. He kissed Hikaru's blue flower mark on Hikaru's neck and raised his Jiwa up to sit on his lap.

"Fine, birthday boy. You're our queen, after all."


A/n: Supposed to upload this days ago, but I was too lazy... Oh, well. *shrugs*

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