Chapter Twenty Six: Lil Peanut

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A/n: There's slightly... indecent (?) scene at the end of the chapter. Not so much tho. Just a teensy weensy bit. Just in case you don't feel comfortable reading it.


Hikaru's eyes were still sleepy an refused to slide open. He was feeling extra tired lately and after puking out his breakfast this morning, he was left with no energy to get out of the bed. In addition, his mood preferred to ride a swing these days even if his blooming period was over weeks ago. Nevertheless, Hyde's and Noon's scent helped him to calm down a lot. So, right now, Hikaru was leaning all of his weight on Hyde's broad and firm chest while letting Noon did a check up on him.

Noon was wearing his usual serious doctor face while checking Hikaru's pulse and taking the young man's temperature. Hikaru was just sleepily staring at the wrinkles between Noon's eyebrows, thinking about how he wanted to smoothen those wrinkles.

"I somehow have the idea, but it's impossible-" murmured Noon with an almost unclear voice, maybe he was just thinking out loud.

"Is he sick?" asked the worried Hyde. His right hand was squeezing Hikaru's hands, while the other one was stroking nervously on Hikaru's left thigh.

Noon shook his head and placed his hands gently on Hikaru's lower abdomen, right under his navel. Hikaru could feel a warm wave of mana flowing into his stomach. It was so comfortable that it caused the black haired Fehu to hummed in relief. Noon gently held both Hikaru's and Hyde's hands before his yellow irises meeting his Families' eyes.

"We're going to be parents!" exclaimed the emerald haired man with an excitement yet mixed with confusion on his face.

Hyde's eyes popped out of its sockets. He looked at Hikaru, but his young Jiwa was actually sleeping throughout the important announcement. Hyde poked Hikaru's chubby cheeks gently until the Fehu was awake.

"Um... Wha- what...?" Hikaru looked around in confusion.

Hyde took in Hikaru's scent while planting a long kiss on Hikaru's crown. "We're gonna be parents, sweets!" he broke the news to the confused boy. Hyde was feeling so happy and blessed that he kept on kissing Hikaru's head and temples a few times.

Seeing that Hikaru was still unable to process the news, Noon placed his right hand on Hikaru's tummy and brought Hikaru's hand under Noon's right hand. He gave Hikaru a gentle smile.

"In here, there is a small life forming. You're pregnant, Hikaru!"

Noon's words slowly seeped into Hikaru's head, causing his brain to scatter around in panic. Hikaru felt his flat stomach and couldn't believe that there was something growing inside it. He felt embarrassed, yet happy. Then, he was scared, thinking that he was still a man that usually won't ever experience this particular event. When he thought about a little baby that he had to raise into a good individual, watching and teaching them good virtues since birth until they were old enough to make their own decision...

The responsibility was too much for a barely adult Hikaru. Heck! In Hikaru's old world, he wasn't even an adult!

"It was supposed to be impossible for conception to happen right after or during the blooming period. Usually it wasn't going to happen until the next ovulation period. Maybe because Hikaru's age? His blooming was supposed to be last year if he was an Avish, but he was from Earth. Maybe because he was originally not from Avalleon? But now-"

"Um..." Hikaru interjected Noon's mumbling. Two pairs of eyes were now on him. "Are you really sure, Noon? Maybe you got it wrong."

"Based on the symptoms and how I detected a small lump that was sucking on your mana, I'm pretty sure. That was why you became more tired than usual, by the way. You should know that your womb was ovulating during your blooming, right?" Noon asked.

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