Chapter Eighteen: A Place To Call Home

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Reese was bored. He was groaning in boredom as he was trying to make Hikaru to comply to his desperation to go out. The lilac-eyed guy usually was not the type to stuck at home, doing nothing. So, this order from Dr Noon to stay at home was a torture for the energetic guy. Being hurt shouldn't have stop him from going outside!


Currently, the whiny red lion was hugging Hikaru's waist from behind, just like a kid hanging onto his mother's back while throwing tantrums. His long lion tail had also curling around the younger boy, tapping Hikaru's thigh in frustration at the same time. As amusing as this situation was, Reese had been going at it for more than half an hour. A sigh slipped out of Hikaru's little glossy lips before he ended up petting the whiner, something that he learned from Hyde to calm Reese down.

"I'm having symptoms of Hyde deficiency... I need to replenish my Hyde intake... or else, I'm gonna shrink like a dried fruit," whined Reese while nuzzling his face on the base of Hikaru's neck. That made Hikaru felt a little tingly inside.

"C'mon~" Reese whined again. Hikaru pinched Reese's cheeks hard, making the redhead screamed in in pain.

Reese stared at Hikaru while rubbing his reddening cheeks which was slowly showing marks of Hikaru's fingers.

Truthfully, Hikaru knew how Reese felt. He was trapped inside the hospital for years, so of course he would know. Although he sometimes was allowed to go home or go to school, but it still didn't feel right. Everybody was being too careful around him. Though not everyone tried to be nice. Sometimes the kids in school would blatantly showed him that they didn't welcome him there. Being in the hospital was better. Perhaps.

Speaking of which, Hikaru was planning to bring Reese to the sick house for the check up today. Noon was supposed to come to them, like he promised, but it seemed like he didn't have time to do that today. To calm Reese down, Hikaru thought that it would be better if he take the antsy Reese outside before something explode.

The other reason was Hikaru was worried about Noon. Who knows, maybe that dark green haired man was currently sprawling around somewhere, unconscious, with terrible bags under his eyes. Now that he think about it, wasn't today supposed to be Noon's day off?

"Let's go out after lunch, okay?" Hikaru decided.

"For realsies?!"

Hikaru could literally see Reese's eyes glittering in excitement. Though, what did he said? 'For realsies'? Was he... trying to be cute? Hikaru's brows furrowing in doubt.

"Yeah... For realsies."


When Hikaru and Reese arrived at Hyde's, they saw the green haired kitty, sleeping soundly on the couch in the living room. Hikaru swore that he could hear a small purr coming from the man's chest, if that wasn't a snore.

'Just like a real cat,' Hikaru thought.

He quickly followed his instinct who was longing for his other Jiwa and passed through the back door. Hyde was rarely at the cafe as he had nothing to do besides checking the account book or inspecting the cafe for any problems. Most of Hyde's time was spent in garden, if he was not out searching for herbs in the jungle.

Hikaru was right. When he saw Hyde who was stretching his back in the garden, Hikaru's entire body was delighted. Something inside him lit up, filling his insides. It was a good feeling.

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