Chapter Eight: Reality Really Loves to Slap Us In The Face

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Hikaru blinked his eyes a few times. The scenery in front of him was still the same even if he opened and closed his eyes again and again. It was a familiar sight. Rays of warm sunlight, peeking through the thin white curtain when it swayed in the light breeze that barged in through the sliding door.

His dark eyes scan around the living room. It was the familiar grey couch, a familiar coffee table, a familiar rack, housing familiar photo frames. Step by step, Hikaru went towards the photo frames and took one of them, scanning the very well known faces in the old photograph.

All of a sudden, his ears caught the sound of someone's lethargic footsteps coming closer towards his direction. He froze.

There stood his mother, still looking as exhausted as she usually was. Hikaru's eyes started to tremble at the sight of the woman he loved dearly. Warm liquid had already welled up in his eyes, ready to fall any time he blinked.

The short haired woman didn't notice him. Hikaru let out a long breath in disappointment. As he thought, it was a dream. He followed behind his mother and watched her as she did the laundry, vacuumed the tatami floor and prepared her lunch. Hikaru took a seat in front of his mom and stared lovingly at her. As if he were making up the lost time he was not with her.

When he think of it, he never had a chance to spend his time with her for years. Ever since his condition worsened, his parents suddenly became busy just to find money to afford his treatments. Then, they got divorced. After that, his mother had to work very hard to pay for the medical bills. He never got a chance to talk to her for long. Their conversation only lasted for about a few minutes before his mother went straight back to work. Who knew how many jobs did she had to do in order to fix him back together again.

Hikaru pursed his lips and held back his tears. He missed his mom. Really. Truly. He felt so guilty because he was sick and made his parents sacrificed everything for him. He used to gave up on himself and prayed every night that he would never woke up in the morning so that they won't have to waste so much time and money on him. He hated himself who made his family broken. Really. Truly.

His chest hurt. He looked at his mother. Why did she still looked exhausted even when he wasn't there? She should had been more happy. More... liberated and free.

The woman stood up and washed her dishes in the sink. After wiping her hand on the towel hanged on the kitchen counter, she headed to a locked room. Hikaru's heart was banging loudly as his mother disappeared into the room.

After reluctantly pacing around for a few seconds, the lad decided to follow his mother's step and walked into the room. In there, he saw his mother lying on the bed while hugging his pillow. His heart broke when he saw her sobbing and sniffing while her whole body was trembling in agony. The silent cry became louder and louder over time. Hikaru cried and fell to the ground. He covered his whole face with his palm and mumbling the words "sorry", over and over again between his cries.


Hikaru stopped. He quickly raised his head and was surprised when his eyes met his mother's.

"Mom? Y- you can see me?" Hikaru saw the light of hope guided him to his mom.

The woman looked around and sighed. "There's no way, right?" she whispered and continued to hug Hikaru's brown pillow.

Hikaru's hope crumbled to the ground. He sadly laughed at his own stupidity. How come he quickly put some hope in a dream that was clearly not a reality?

"This is stupid," Hikaru softly grumbled.

Even so, the boy couldn't stop himself from walking towards his mother and hugged her tightly. He missed her dearly. He really do. But, if he remained in his previous world, he would definitely make her slowly broken down. He sniffed in her scent, which was the smell of detergent that they usually used. They didn't have this smell in Avalleon.

"Mom... I miss you..." whispered Hikaru with a trembling voice.

"Hikaru?!" His mother jolted up all of a sudden and gripped the pillow with her shaking hands. Her eyes wildly running around every inch of the room, looking for Hikaru's presence.

Before Hikaru could say something, his lower abdomen suddenly hurt so much. Hikaru pressed his hands on the painful contracting spot and groaned in pain. He clenched his teary eyes and gritted his teeth.

At that moment, his consciousness was fading away.


The first thing Hikaru saw when he opened his eyes was Doctor Noon's serious face. He closed his eyes once again and opened it after a few seconds. He saw Hyde and Reese was standing side by side on his left, the opposite of where Noon was sitting.

"Oh! You're awake!" Reese shouted gladly while his face was coming closer to Hikaru.

Hikaru scrunched his face when Reese's loud voice was piercing his eardrums. Noon glared at Reese and told him to be quiet. Reese apologised to Hikaru with a quieter voice. Hyde asked rubbed Hikaru's head and asked,

"Are you still in pain?" Clearly, the man was still worried.

Hikaru showed him a constrained smile. "Just a little," he said.

Noon wrote something on his book before tearing the page out. He handed the torn page to one of his assistants, Lyle, which Hikaru didn't even noticed when did the Uruz entered the room. Lyle silently exited the space and closed the door.

Noon directed his gaze back to his Jiwa and gave Hikaru a calming smile.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"You had collapsed while tending to the customers. Do you remember that?" Noon stroked Hikaru's sweaty forehead and gently put a damp towel on top of it. Hikaru frowned.

After a few moments, he remembered that he was handing out Grandpa Lloyd's usual medicine when he felt like his stomach was on fire. It was painful before, but the pain slowly became stronger until he couldn't take it anymore. That was when he collapsed, probably.

"You don't have to be worried. It was just one of the symptoms that your ovary is forming well. The symptoms may vary depending on individuals, but the pain is normal. If it's too hard for you to endure, you can take the painkiller that I will prescribe you," explained Noon while maintaining his calm demeanour.

However, in Hikaru's head, Noon's words stopped at the part where he said the word 'ovary'. Hikaru needed more time to process the new information. Hyde carefully touched Hikaru's shoulder in order to not startle the boy.

"Are you okay, Hikaru?" asked Hyde.

Hikaru ignored Hyde's question and asked Noon in a small voice, "Ovary?". Noon nodded.

No way!

If this was the fictions like the weird BL manga and light novels that he used to read, it would be pretty fun to read. But, this happened in real life! Hikaru's life. His reality!

Hikaru already anticipated this but, it still scared him. When he first learned that he was a Fehu, he knew that he might had a change inside his body too, but this was too real for him! How can a man just accepted having an ovary inside his stomach?

Hikaru was panicking. He started to hyperventilate.

"Hikaru?!" Reese and Hyde were so distressed by the sudden panic attack shouted at the same time.

Hikaru curled into a ball and tried to regulate his breathing, but failed. Noon quickly lifted Hikaru and brought the boy's face onto his chest. A bittersweet smell of coffee wafted into the air around Hikaru. The scent was so calming for Hikaru's nerves. Noon patted Hikaru's back and whispered to him that everything was okay and it will be okay. Hikaru felt the prickling pain under his navel slowly disappeared as Noon's warm hand rubbed that area a few times. He could feel the warmth seeping inside his stomach and it felt very comfortable and comforting.

Hikaru's eyes slowly shutting down as he drifted into the dreamland.

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