Chapter Twelve: First Kiss

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M: Umm... Should I put some warning first? It's not snusnu/18+ scene, but... it's a little intimate. Idk anymore...


Hikaru felt a warm and soft thing gently landed on his forehead. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked up. His dark eyes traced a lock of silver to a sun-kissed forehead and finally stopped at a pair of gently closed eyes. The bluish silvery lashes fluttered like butterfly wings before revealing a pair of sapphire blue orbs which were staring right back at him. It was so beautiful that Hikaru felt lost in those glowing eyes.

Hyde was flustered when he met Hikaru's eyes, but quickly regained his composure. When his lips parted from Hikaru's smooth skin, he gifted his soft smile to the boy. The boy was bewitched and refused to look away.

Hyde didn't want to part his sight with Hikaru's glittering irises too. He looked into those intoxicating stares and leaned down slowly, asking for permission to continue. Hikaru's round eyes slowly closing, signalling that it was okay to carry on with what they both were thinking. Without realising, Hikaru's small lips were slightly ajar, showing his cute front teeth and that was turning Hyde on.

Hyde bent his neck and back more, and landed a light peck on Hikaru's soft lips. Hikaru's eyes automatically closed when their lips touched and when their lips part, he opened his eyes back. Hyde chuckled because he thought that little reaction was cute.

Hyde leaned in again, this time he kissed the innocent boy longer. And he felt Hikaru's lips moving, kissing him back. Hikaru could feel his face heated up. It was embarrassing, but he loved it. He needed more. Hikaru hugged Hyde's tail closer to his chest. He knew that Hyde was loving this based on how hard the fluffy tail was trying to wag out of his hands.

But when Hikaru was enjoying the touch, Hyde raised his face, separating their lips yet again. Hikaru let out a small whine. Hyde flashed him a playful smirk before once again leaning in and they shared a deeper kiss. Their lips now was wet with each other's saliva, but that didn't felt gross at all.

Hikaru had never kissed anyone before. He didn't even know that a kiss could feel this good. He felt his heart was connected to Hyde's. He could feel his heart warming up from the touches they shared together. It was a curious situation for him.

Hyde brushed his fingers through Hikaru's hair and let Hikaru squeezed his tail. It was cute. Hikaru was lovable in all aspect. The thing that made him fell hard for this silly little man was Hikaru's adorable acts. Even now, he could tell that Hikaru was embarrassed, but he knew that the boy still wanted more. So, Hyde gave him more.

Hyde licked Hikaru's lips teasingly until his mate parted his lips unconsciously. Then, he sneakily slipped his tongue in between Hikaru's wet lips. That made the young man jolted in shock, but Hikaru didn't made Hyde stop.

It wasn't unpleasant for the Hikaru. He let out a quiet moan when the tips of Hyde's tongue touches the sensitive spot inside his mouth. Hikaru playfully used the tip of his tongue to caress the underside of Hyde's warm piece of flesh.

That surprised Hyde a little, wasn't expecting that his naive soulmate would take initiative on teasing him. A sharp breath escaped his nose. He rubbed Hikaru's earlobe gently and lovingly. A surge of happiness and love emerged from his heart.


Hikaru slowly opened his eyes and saw that Hyde, too, was enjoying his touch. Hyde sucked his tongue softly, lovingly, as if he was longing for him. Hikaru was touched by Hyde's action. He closed his eyes and he felt a shiver running down his spine. It was pleasant. It was ethereal.

Their lips parted even though both of them didn't want to let each other go.

'Aww... It was such a shame,' Hikaru thought.

Hyde smiled and sweetly caressed Hikaru's wet lips with his thumb. Their faces were now flushed in bright red.

'It was dangerous,' Hyde thought. 'If we keep going, I wouldn't be able to stop.'

Not knowing what to do, Hikaru nervously stroked Hyde's bushy silver tail. Hyde was then ambushed by the thought that he shouldn't have done what he did. At least, not yet. He had promised himself not to touch Hikaru until he was ready to open his heart for him.

But, the look that Hikaru gave him before they shared a kiss for the first time made him lost all reasons, resulting him to let his heart acted before his brain. He was longing for his Jiwa. And his Jiwa wanted him. How could he refused?

Thankfully, Hikaru seemed to enjoy the kisses.

Hikaru raised his eyebrows when he saw Hyde's tail moving around as if he was wagging happily. A giggle escaped his lips before his brain finally finished processing what just happened a few minutes before. Gradually, his face became more crimson in colour, and he could feel the blood rushing to his face. Hikaru quickly covered his face in embarrassment.


His breath was heavy and his chest was hurting as he ran along the dark alleys. His legs were also hurting, but he had no time to stop. The Fehu boy looked behind him and only saw darkness. Nonetheless, it was not the time to be letting his guard down. Those masked men were behind him, he knew it. Even though he couldn't see them, he knew that they could see him.

His body trembled in fear. He needed to ask for help, but there was no one there. He knew that he should be heading to a crowded place, but he was lost.

Then, he saw a light at the end of the alley. It was faint, but it was the way out. His lips curled up as soon as he reached the light, but-



A hand grabbed his collar and lifted him up. He struggled to escape, but all he could hear was the man's laughter, enjoying the cat and mouse game. It was all in vain.

To think that the Uruzes forgot to lock the door and thus allowing him to escape... He knew that that was not the case. He knew that was a trap. He was just a plaything for them to have fun with.

"Dude... Just stop wasting time and put the Fehu boy back in the wagon," said a smaller framed Uruz who had just arrived at the scene.

The bigger Uruz guffawed and lifted the Fehu child in front of his smaller friend.

"Didja see the lad's face when he ran away? Oh boy! What a nice face you got there, boy!" The big man chortled while holding his rounded tummy.

The thinner man sighed. He had enough with the big man's antics and walked away. The big man was still laughing, but his legs obediently followed his friend to a merchant's carriage parked not far away from them. The boy tried to struggle his way out, but it was useless. The big man who was carrying him on the shoulder was obviously much more stronger than the 13 years old Fehu.

Both the black hooded men rode the carriage with one on the driver seat to steer the horse, while the other guarded the tied boy inside the carriage. Their carriage then disappeared into the darkness of the night.


M: Eid Mubarak, you guys! For the first day of Eid, I've posted triple update. Enjoy!

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