Chapter Seven: Precious Bond

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M: I'm bored... So, here ya go!


[Noon's pov]

Thank goodness that today was a quiet day. There were only a few customers visiting the pharmacy to buy some medicines and no patients who came in the sick house today. There were times when a flock of patients and customers came in nonstop, so as the only doctor in that area, he was the busiest man during the day. On those days, he wouldn't even had the time to rest. He had two apprentices who could help him around the sick house, but their skills were not quite there yet. The other sick houses were located far away from each other in order to cover the area which had no doctors around to treat the sick.

As the most skilled doctor, he was given the responsibility to cover the most populated area, the central town. He didn't really mind it at first because he had experiences in treating a lot of patients in a race again time situations. Specifically the seismic disturbance in the Echo Island that happened four years ago. However, after four years, he remembered that the time during the disaster was a living hell for him. After all, it was a disaster which destroyed a whole large island. Almost all houses and shop buildings were turned into debris, people and corpses were stuck under the fallen buildings everywhere. They also had to dug out the corpses from under the debris by themselves and most of the corpses weren't all in good condition. Especially, when they had already died for a few days, weeks maybe.

At the end of the day, the technology in Avalleon was not as advanced as in Earth. They took more time and physical labour.

Now, even though he had less work and stress than at that time, it was still exhausting. Even for a workaholic like him.

Noon flipped his book to the next page while slowly sipping his cup of coffee. He would prefer it black, but his assistant Zac secretly put in sugar to help replenish his energy. Noon couldn't really blame the boy after he made a scene a month ago, fainting right when he was talking to the boy. He remembered clearly Zac's panic and crying face after he was awake two days later. It turned out that Noon was overworked and was lacking in energy. It's not like Noon did it on purpose. He was usually too caught up in his works that he lost track of time.

He finished the book he was reading and took another book which was even thicker than the book before. The book contained a compilations of researches that had done from the past about Jiwa. He skimmed through the book ー which he actually had read many times in the past ー just to make sure he wasn't forgetting any information about Jiwa.

"When an Uruz was attracted to a Fehu's scent, his body will recognise the Fehu as his Jiwa and the Uruz will feel a sense of over protectiveness towards his Jiwa."

That was what the public knew about the relationships between Jiwas. However, the signs were too vague for most people, unless they met a Fehu who was ovulating. During that time, the Fehu will be emitting the stronger scent in order to attract his Uruz. If Noon were to describe this in animal terms, it's the same as having a mating season. Noon was never a fan of this soulmate concept. He felt like the universe was playing cupid on them by taking the human's right to freely love without the interference of a certain forced interaction between two intoxicated chosen-by-fate individuals.

For Uruz, their sense of possession towards the Fehu was like stroking their pride as the stronger gender. While for Fehu the security and safety that they felt when they were with the chosen Uruzes was like discreetly saying that they were a weaker individuals that was meant to be under an Uruz just to feel safe.

Of course these were only Noon's opinions on this topic. Most people didn't think that way. Like they said, there were multiple perspectives on everything.

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