Chapter Twenty Nine: Little One

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                             that your wish?

Your life is still long, little one. Surely you will find someone else to be with. He does not have much time-


Alright. He will live. However, his curse will remain.


With a flash of light, a soft glow separated into two. One went inside the dying body of a poor fallen king, while the other slowly dispersed into nothingness.

The voice faded. The miserable fallen king's eyes twitched a few times before he opened them with much difficulties. Once he regained his full consciousness, the first sight that he saw was not so pleasing to his eyes.

Screams and shout were everywhere. His beloved country was engulfed in red, as the crimson of blood and scarlet of fire mixed together which brought painful agony to his dying people. Tears streaming down his face. There was nothing he could do now. He was now powerless. Helpless. He struggled and twisted his body, but he could not move. The least he could do was writhing in pain. Then, his sight fell to his lap. There was a tiny, wounded mouse, lying softly as if it was dozing off to the dreamland.

"Mousey...?" the king called with his cracked voice, although what had came out was merely a huff of pathetic breath.

"Hey, buddy... Are- are you asleep...?" he tried again, this time with a louder but not clearer voice.

His lips trembled as he held down all of the bad thoughts that he thought might have already happened to his little friend.

"You're just sleeping... right?"

Still no answer.

He nodded. He pushed away all of the worst possibilities that could happen and painfully crafted a stiff smile.

"It's okay, buddy."

He's gone.

"I know you're tired. You don't have to wake up now."

He's dead.

"Just... when you're ready, please wake up."

He left me.

"I know you won't leave me alone."

With a lot of hardship, the king moved his rugged hand and covered his little friend's body tenderly. He could feel his mana was changing into something darker and unfamiliar. His whole body was aching, with sharp pain in some places. His energy had left him.

"When you wake up from your sleep, please, wake me up..." With that, he closed his eyes and tears ran down his bruised and bloodied cheeks.


Once the white glow left the world, he was sent to another world. This world, however, was very different than his previous world. It was peaceful, yet noisier and busier. The air, too, was much more suffocating than his old world. He looked around and saw his mother, dirty and battered while tending to one of his siblings.

Mother, he called. Are you hurt?

Mother didn't answered, instead, she licked him lovingly and nudged him until he was rolling on the floor. He giggled and playfully 'attacked' his mother back. When his stomach was desperately crying for food, his mother laid down on the floor. He rushed to his mother's side and drank her milk greedily.

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