X- Why is he so nice?

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It's been a few days since the last time I spoke with Luca but it's not because we were ignoring each other. He just didn't show up to school and I was left alone with the girls who were bothered to be next to me.

I'd rather claw off my eyes than sit next to them today.

I walked into my next class which I have with Layla but she was making out with Damien when I walked in. She laughed as he pulled away and glanced at me as I walked through the door. She gave me a small smile before turning back to her new 'boyfriend'.

She made him have my seat now and I was abandoned next to them.

I rolled my eyes before sighing and sat at the back which is a place I'd never usually be in class. I watched the desk and drew a few doodles in my book till someone walked and sat right next to me.

I slightly raised my head at the gasps I heard and looked beside me.

Kai Castillo was next to me.

He gave me a smile when he saw me staring and I stumbled. The Castillo's don't speak to anyone. They're always around each other or Evan and nobody else is brave enough to go up to them. I remember one time Layla sat next to one of them and they just left the class, all angry and she wouldn't stop sobbing about it.

"Hey, I'm Kai." He said as he leaned his side next to me.

"I'm Cassia." I couldn't return the smile on his face because I was pure shocked. It seemed like he could hear how fast my heart was beating because I was afraid he'd make a scene and tell me to get up.

I can't even imagine how I'll react if he curses at me to move. I didn't realize how I was making up dumb scenarios till I felt him staring at me and he wasn't looking away any time soon. I looked over at him and realized that I never talked to them about helping me.

"I uh... Thank you for last week. I never got the chance to say it to the other but... Xavier acts differently when he's angry-..." I had to stop speaking since I was so breathless and didn't know what else to say. Would he just tell me off? I don't know if thanking him was a good idea.

"Don't mention it, Cassia. Evan's looking for an excuse to fight that bitch anyway." He said with a sigh and I narrowed my eyes at that.

I knew they've always had a childish rivalry but it's only because of Xavier. He doesn't want to accept that Evan is better than him and forces everyone around him to ignore it as well.

He calls the coach names and says the game is rigged after almost every game he wasn't in the spotlight in...

What I'm saying is he has the immaturity levels of a middle schooler boy and Evan has to suffer from it.

Evan Carney, from what I know, is the sweetest one in the group. He also doesn't like talking to people but at least he's more chill and nice about it than the Castillo's. It makes me question why Kai is so nice to me because I know how he is on a daily.

Caleb on the other hand has always been the class clown but he also gets good grades somehow. I guess they even each other out with their personalities. Caleb keeps it fun and Kai is very bold and straightforward.

"Your friends are staring at me like I'm a zoo animal in a cage." I narrowed my eyes when he suddenly spoke up and raised my head from the writing position I was in. I first looked at his annoyed gaze and then turned my head in Layla's direction. She had one eyebrow raised staring at me.

I had never seen that look on her face ever since last year and I used to be glad that it wasn't towards me. But this time it was and that only means there's murder on her mind. I put my hair behind my ear and leaned back.

"I'm sorry, she's just sat next to you before like a year ago and now she's kind of scared by you." I didn't exactly why but that wasn't why she's been staring at me like I'm a bug she can crash.

"Understandable." He said with a smile playing on his lips and looked down at his phone. He was texting someone aggressively like they were debating on something and Kai was refusing it with passion.

I realized that I'm being a creep again and just looked at the teacher. "Where is uh... Luca." I asked trying to keep my voice from sounding nosy or curious but I know I shouldn't have asked that when Kai raised his head to watch me.

"I think he'll be here before school ends, why?" He asked with the smile now returning and I shrugged. I thought if I brought my attention back to class, he'd stop waiting for an answer but it didn't happen. "Hey, how about you join us at lunch, babe." I lost my breath when he said that.

First of all, he invited me to their table.

Second of all, do I need therapy because I'm hearing things? Did he just call me babe?

"I uh-... I shouldn't. My friends will wait for me." Any person with decent working eyes and a brain would know my friends would use me to get to them and that's why they would show more interest in me. Not because they put me down next to other people and feel bad, but because they want a piece of the boys.

"What friends?" He asked with a smirk and rolled his eyes slightly before leaning back in his seat. "Are you talking about the one who's imagining stomping you with her six-inch heels right now or the Barbie who's trying to get with your ex?" He narrowed his eyes at me as he leaned on my desk. I took a deep breath before nodding.

What if Caleb kicks me out?

I know about Evan and Kai but what about Caleb? I've never met him!

The bell rang and I saw Layla sneak back just like how wild animals do when they're about to attack their prey.

She was going to fry my brain from questions, in my case.

I sighed and placed my books in my backpack which was snatched away from my hand the next second. "Come on." Kai gave me a look as he threw my bag over his shoulder and I was completely speechless from astonishment. I opened my mouth then pursed my lips because no words were coming out since my brain couldn't process this much change in seconds.

Kai rolled his eyes, smiled, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder before walking me out of the class, towards the cafeteria.

Why is he so nice to me?

He looked at my face as he opened the door for me and started laughing loudly which made me lose my breath. The Castillo's are insanely gorgeous, definitely not as good-looking as Luca but they were up there.

"You're fucking cute." He said as he walked in front of me and I followed him like a lost puppy. Thank god I didn't leave my lunch at my locker today. I cracked my knuckles nervously with one hand when I saw Caleb already seated at the table. I'm making it a bigger deal than it is.

Caleb won't yell at me. 


"What's she doing here?" Caleb looked at me with wide eyes which weren't filled with anger or fury. He looked surprised and... Excited? He smiled at me the next second as I took a seat in front of him and then laughed at my expression.

"Keeping an eye out for her." I narrowed my eyes at Kai's response and looked at them questioningly. They looked at each other and let their eyes do the talking so I wouldn't understand any of it.


Do ya'll got any good ideas for adventures?

I'm tongue-tied since I wrote a few and now I can't think of anything.

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