XXV- Shut up and let me take care of you

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I was running around the house to see if anything is missing in my bag and just decided to go up to my room and lay down as the others get ready. Today we were going to my fathers 'vacation house' which is a two floored mansion with a large garden and there's a lake nearby.

I like sneaking out to walk to the lake at night.

I packed everything I needed and just threw my bag on my desk. One really bad part about this trip is that the backseat is usually really crowded because of my mother's bags and I get no room. I heard knocks on my door and sighed before leaning on my desk.

Kylie came in and her arms were crossed as attitude swam in her expression. I can't listen to her, not today. I'm not going to let anything ruin today!

Yesterday I spent the whole day in Luca's house which actually was really cute and not lifeless like how I expected. Luca called me his girl which seems crazy to me because I've never heard such possessive words that actually made me have butterflies.

It might be concerning because it's probably caused by the family trauma I have and how touch deprived I am.

Xavier used to be pissed when I looked good and now Luca tells me he's going to break every guys face who looks my way.

I most definitely should not be thinking it's attractive about what's behind his words but I don't care.

Oh yeah, I also was really glad that his father did not make a second appearance... Not that he's hard to look at, that man is right out of what every straight female wishes for but knows it's bad for them. I just think he's really intimidating.

Also, Lucian was working and every time I made an attempt to find out what the job was Luca would always dodge my questions or just completely ignore what I said like I'm not even there. It concerned me a lot because I know they work together sometimes.

Didn't Luca say he went after his target? I could make a lot of assumptions about that sentence and I'm sure one of them would be very accurate, so I'm just going to ignore it as well. As long as Luca doesn't hurt me, I'll be by his side.

As, his girl.

"Yeah?" I tried to ask as nicely as I could bring my voice to be. Usually I would be snarky and even bothered but I don't want anything ruining this trip for me, not Kylie and not my parents. We were supposed to leave after school and my parents were going to pick me up with Kylie.

"Mom and dad left early." She said lowly and I narrowed my eyes. I knew they would be leaving early to arrange everything before we leave. I don't know how that's surprising to her.

"The guy that came a day ago, he's pretty weird, don't you think? No social media, nothing. Dad told me the other guy broke the deal because apparently they don't want their son to be married that early. It's all just so sudden." She said as she moved her hands to explain her point.

I was frozen in my place trying to decide if I want to just grab my bag and leave or act like I know nothing. "Anyway, I couldn't find my hydration cream in my cabinet, maybe you have it. Could you check?" She said annoyedly and I was glad that she dropped the topic.

"Kylie, I never go through your stuff like ever. Why would it be there?" I said annoyedly and just walked to my bathroom. I opened the top cabinet and searched around for a bit but couldn't find anything. "See, I told you-..." The door got slammed closed and I heard Kylie's footsteps fade away.

"Kylie!" I banged on the door as hard as I could and screamed but it was no use. The door was locked. Why would Kylie even do this? I searched my pockets to find my phone as I prayed to god but I probably left it in my desk. I took deep breaths and just sat on the ground next to my bath tub. My knees up to my chest and I wrapped my arms around my legs.

My parents are going to kill me for skipping school. They're actually going to murder me and it's all Kylie's fault. Why would she even do this? What did I do to her that would make her hate me? She's always been the accomplished sister and I've always been the piece of shit.

I didn't want to cry because I did my makeup really nicely today but it ran down my face along with my tears the next second. God I fucking hate her!

I heard my phone ring countless of times and didn't bother trying to open the door. I want my parents to find me like this, locked up in the bathroom but life had other plans as always.

I heard my window being opened very aggressively and raised my head up before running towards the door.

Are they braking into my house?!

I held my shirt with one hand and heard a whisper from the familiar voice. "Why the fuck is your stuff at home Cassia?" He whispered with venom dropping from his voice. I'm almost sure that it was the last period before lunch right now.

"Luca." I tapped the door once and grabbed some paper towels. I wet them and tried to get rid of the mascara running down my face. There was also eyeliner which made my eyes look like I got punched.

I heard him pick the lock which is what I wasn't expecting. I thought I'd have more time to clean myself since he'd break the door down. He opened the door with ease and I just crossed my arms as I leaned to my sink. "My fucking god." He said and sighed before resting his arms either side of me.

"Kylie locked me in for some reason and my phone was at my desk." I said and took a deep breath before sighing. He pursed his lips and I could tell he was gritting his teeth from the clenched jaw.

"Why is she so jealous for fucks sake. You get a little attention and she turns crazy." He rolled his eyes and grabbed the makeup wipes resting on my left. He picked a few out and just started wiping my eyes like I'm incapable of doing so.

"Why do you take care of me so much?" I asked with my voice breaking. He narrowed his eyes and looked at me after throwing the napkins away.

"You don't need to save me from I marriage I don't want. You don't need to be here right now or take me out on adventures I've always wanted to experience but you still do. You don't even want anything in return. Why?" I asked and emphasised the why.

He rolled his eyes at me.

I saw him purse his lips together and then he walked next to me before wrapping his arms around me. "Why do you question so much? Can you just shut up and let me take care of you. I do it because I want to and you have nothing I'll ever ask for, Floare. It's because I only want money or praising from people, I want them to be afraid of me. Why would I want them from you?" He responded and I bit my lip before snuggling into his chest.

He was so warm. My tears stopped when I heard him come in and now he's helping me again. What did I do to deserve Luca in my life? Nothing. I'm worthless. Book smart, that's all I am and Luca knows that but he still wants me. He doesn't just want to be around me but he wants me all to himself and no one has ever wanted that before.

I'm not even one of those girls who would fight with him and argue, saying I'm not his girl. I want him to be possessive over me because I know his way of possessive isn't the same as Xavier's.

So I'll be by his side till he wants to get rid of me and I know he will one day.

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