XX- I want to

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It was the day after Luca made me sneak out of my house and my parents didn't put many questions into it. They were actually aware that I'd be out today, probably because they thought I met up with the guy I was supposed to be seeing.

I changed as a person yesterday and I was for sure aware of the fact that I'm falling for Luca.

And I'm falling hard.

I never loved Xavier. He told me he loves me and I said it back but now I realize that I definitely was not in love with him. Comparing my body language and thoughts with Luca and with Xavier was absolutely unnecessary to notice how deeply I feel for Luca.

I got dressed quickly and wore some jeans and a light pink tank top. I was about to rush downstairs till my eyes caught the jacket hanging from my chair. I was so dazed when I came back home last night, I forgot where anything was and what was happening.

I grabbed the jacket and put it on quickly before running downstairs. I ate some pancakes quickly and grabbed a chocolate bar before looking outside to see if the drivers there. He wasn't.

"Who's is that?" Kylie leaned onto the table. She was here this morning for some reason and my mother told me she'd be here all today and tomorrow.

The least to say is that I was very thrilled to find that one out.

I'll just lock myself in my room and Luca will sneak in if I'm lucky enough.

"Layla let me borrow it that one time," I said and she raised one eyebrow before leaning back in her seat. My father was watching all this with full attention.

"I don't know you but I call bullshit on that. You don't hang out with any of your friends anymore." She said and I took a deep breath before nodding.

"She gave it to me earlier. Before I realized that they're fake." Just like you. I wanted nothing more than to say that out loud but my father was right next to me.

I haven't spoken to him after he trashed my room and he was more than okay with that. I was also more than okay with him not talking to me.

"How was the date?" My father asked sternly and I shrugged. He told me that I had a date with the guy yesterday before Luca made me sneak out. I got up from my seat and answered his question.

"Good. He's okay, I guess." I said sounding bothered so he wouldn't think I have feelings for the guy. I muttered a bye before grabbing my backpack and walked to the car. The car still wasn't there. I'm going to be late.

"I'm driving you," Kylie said as she unlocked her car and got inside. I shook my head at her and started walking. I'll just walk there no big deal. I'd rather Xavier cornering me than be stuck with Kylie and not being able to physically hurt her.

"Cassia, get in now!" I sighed and took a deep breath before opening the back door and got in. I'm so not sitting next to her and I do not care if I'm being childish right now. "Is that his jacket?" She asked again but this time her voice held no room to argue.

"No, it's not. I don't know who he is, to begin with, but if Xavier's on your mind, he's all yours. Enjoy my leftovers." I said before plugging my earphones in. Annoying idiot!

"Listen to me carefully, Cassia. Xavier doesn't like Luca at all. He's going to fight him and you'll be the only one to blame." I don't care if I'm the one to blame in that situation, it's not like I care. Luca would break him into pieces before Xavier could raise his fist.

"What you can do to stop the boy from getting hurt is to make him get closer with the girls so they can stop Xavier." I had to slap my hand over my mouth to not laugh. I had to keep it in for Luca because his identity was basically a secret but tears were forming in the brim of my eyes from amusement.

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