Chapter 45

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Author's Note: I know I said that I was going to post this in the morning, but I just couldn't resist. If it makes you feel any better, it's past midnight, so I guess it's technically morning X) Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as the last one. Just a fair warning, there is A LOT of mushy talk in this chapter, lol. As always, let me know what you think; I always love reading your comments. :) --Ekat


Niall’s P.O.V.

            Alex has been looking extremely tired lately. She keeps insisting that she’s fine, but I can see it in her eyes that she’s tired. I love that about her; even when she’s feeling like shit, she stays strong for everyone else. I noticed this change in her a few days ago, but I think the boys are starting to notice now. Every time she leaves the room, they shoot questioning looks, but I don’t know how to answer them. I finally came to the decision that she needs to start taking it easy, whether she likes it or not. She may not like it, but it’s better for both her, and the baby. I need a way to distract her from everything around us, and I think I have the perfect idea; I just need to make a few phone calls.

Alex’s P.O.V.

            I wanted to get up, and cook breakfast for everyone, but they wouldn’t let me leave the bedroom. When I asked why, they said they had strict orders from Niall. That was strange; even though I had a feeling that Niall knew I didn’t have all of my energy, normally he’s cuddled up next to me, making me feel better.

            “Where’s Niall?” I asked through the closed door.

            “Don’t worry about it,” Zayn called through the door, making me roll my eyes.

            “Seriously, where is he?” I asked again.

            “Geez Alex, do you miss your Irish boy-toy that much?” Louis said, ending the sentence with an exasperated sigh. Before I could shoot back a response, the bedroom door opened, and Harry and Liam walked in, with a tray filled with breakfast food. It’s a good thing too, because I was starving.

            “The boys and I thought you could use a bite to eat,” Harry said, setting the tray on my lap.

            “A bite to eat?” I mocked. “A bite to eat would have been some scrambled eggs, not eggs, a bagel, toast, and four pancakes.”

            “Shut up, we both know you’re going to end up eating all of it anyway,” Harry replied with a smirk. I glared at him, knowing that he was right. I was interrupted from our glaring contest, by Louis jumping on the bed, laying right next to me.

            “And how are Baby Styles and Baby Horan today?” Louis asked with his positive attitude.

            “We’re doing good Lou,” I responded, while rubbing my tummy. When I felt the baby kick, I leaned forward, as though the wind got sucked out of me.

            “Are you okay Alex?” Liam asked, joining Harry and Louis on the bed, with worry clearly etched onto his face.

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