Chapter 13

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A/N: Wow, I guess you guys were pretty anxious to get the new chapter, lol. Well, I never break my promises, so here it is. Keep letting me know what you think. I always love hearing from you guys. Hopefully I gain more readers and I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I'll update again soon, I promise! --Ekat1507


Alex’s P.O.V.

            “Aww, they look so cute together,” I heard someone squeal. With a pitch that high, it had to be Louis. I would have opened my eyes, but I was too tired to check.

            “What the fuck? I know you guys are together, but I still don’t like the idea of you guys sharing a bed. Who knows what could happen?” Harry said in a panicked tone. I rolled my eyes, and went over, and kissed him on the cheek.

            “Morning Haz,” I said as I walked into the bathroom. His gaze followed me as I walked into the bathroom. I think he was shocked that I didn’t fight back with an argument; but I was in too much of a good mood. Nothing could bring me down today. I walked out all showered, and dressed to see me sexy boyfriend starting to wake up. He looked so adorable just lying there without a shirt on. We all just kept watching him for a few minutes. He still had his eyes closed, but I saw him trying to reach over to the bed, and try and wrap his arms around what he thought was me. In actuality, he was wrapping his arms around my pillow. I couldn’t help but laugh. When he went in for a kiss to the pillow, everyone else started laughing too. Niall opened his eyes when he realized that the pillow wasn’t me, and looked around. He pouted when he saw that I wasn’t next to him. Aww, I couldn’t resist that pouting face. I walked over, and threw my arms around his neck as I placed a kiss on his lips.

            He pulled me into his lap, and we began to have a little snogging session. It’s like we were little kids again, not having a care in the world. Everything was perfect until someone had to ruin it, and bring us back to reality.

            “Guys, it’s way too early for that,” Louis said, starting the protective brother routine again. I can already tell I’m going to get tired of this really fast. But before I could give my two cents, I was being pulled away from Niall by Harry. I saw Niall try to get up and chase me, but Louis went over, and sat on him, trying to hold him down. Where’s my baseball bat when I really need it? Harry brought me down into his bedroom, put me down on his bed, and handcuffed both of my wrists to the bed posts. What. The. Fuck?

            “Harry, uncuff me now, or you’ll suffer the consequences!” I screamed at him. He only laughed before putting duct tape over my mouth. Oh, he was going to die when I got out of these.

            “Relax; the same thing is happening to Niall,” Harry explained. “You guys need to spend a little time away from each other. You guys are making us sick with all the PDA, and I want to spend some quality time with my little sister. Oh, and since you’re all tied up, I’m not scared to call you Lexi! I’ll be back in an hour to take you out for the day. Hang tight Lexi!”

            Before he left, I kicked him in the gut as he went to get up. He must have forgotten I still had use of my legs. Well, I did until he tied them to the foot of the bed.

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