Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first fan-fic and I hope you guys enjoy it. I hope to hear from you in my inbox and can't wait to read your comments. I'll update soon. :) Enjoy!


Alex’s P.O.V.

            Tomorrow is going to be such an amazing day. I’ll be able to throw my arms around my brother for the first time in almost a year. You see, my brother and I are extremely close. He was there for me whenever I needed him; he was even there for me when I didn’t need him. That’s one of the many reasons I love my brother, Harry Styles. Yes, I did say Styles. Two years ago he auditioned for X Factor, and was accepted. At boot camp, he was eliminated before being put into One Direction along with Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall, but I’m sure you know all of that. I’m Alex by the way… just throwing that out there.

            Since the X Factor, the boys have been super busy with their tour and what not. Finally, after a long schedule of traveling, they get a few weeks off, and will be spending it with me at my house. I know what you’re thinking, an eighteen-year-old with a house? You see, I had this great, great Aunt that passed away a few years ago, and in her will, she left me her estate, and a fair amount of money. For some reason, she didn’t get along with the rest of the family, and to spite them, she left everything to Harry and I. But after Harry was signed to Syco Records, he left the estate to me, and we split the money 75/25 with him being in One Direction and all. Tomorrow, he and the boys arrive, and I can’t wait to throw my arms around him. The thing is, every time he came home for a visit, he came alone, or brought Louis along with him. So, this will be my first time meeting Liam, Zayn, and Niall.

            When I first met Louis, I wasn’t sure what to think. By the end of his first visit, I concluded that he was a giant goof ball that has a lot of love in his heart. Louis and I are close, and he loves to joke around with me and Harry all the time. The three of us text all the time when they’re on the road, and every once in a while we’ll Skype. Well, I should get to bed; big day tomorrow, and I want to get some rest before the boys show up tomorrow.

The Next Day

            I woke up at 8:00 this morning. I’m typically a morning person and get up, around the same time every day. Not that I could sleep too long anyway, seeing as how anxious I am to see everyone today. I jumped up from my bed, and walked into the master bathroom to get ready. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I put my hair up in a ponytail, and began making my way to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

            Let me describe the estate to give you a clue of what the place looks like. There are six bedrooms, and seven bathrooms. Each bedroom has its own bathroom suite, and a guest bathroom downstairs. When you walk in the front door, you see an open living room to your right. After crossing through the living room, there’s a flight of stairs that leads to the second story where all the bedrooms are. Downstairs is the dining room that leads into the kitchen. Towards the back of the house is the screen room, which I turned into a hangout area. Finally, there’s the screened in pool area.

            After having two cups of tea, I was watching an episode of Friends when I hear the doorbell ring. I get up to answer the door, and a smile grows on my face as I see Harry standing in the doorway.

            “Harry!” I yell, wrapping my arms around my brother.

            “Lexi, it’s so good to see you,” Harry said returning the hug.

            Once we released each other, I playfully hit him in the arm. “What have I told you about calling me that? You know I hate that name Harry.”

            He only laughed, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me back to the living room to sit on the couch. After a few minutes of catching up, I get up to put my tea cup in the sink. I turned around to head to the kitchen when I’m tackled to the ground.

            “Alex!” yelled a very excited Louis Tomlinson, wrapping me in a hug while we’re both lying on the ground.

            “Louis, what the hell is the matter with you?” I asked getting up, and pretending that he hurt me.

            “I’m sorry Alex,” Louis replied with a hurt expression on his face. “I just missed you a lot. Please don’t be mad at me.”

            I started to laugh. “Oh Louis, I could never stay mad at you,” I said bringing him in for a hug. Harry laughed as he walked over to us.

            “Group hug,” Louis yelled as he enticed both my brother and I into a giant bear hug. “Now I’m reunited with my two favorite Styles!”

            When Louis finally released me, I was finally able to put my tea cup in the sink. When I returned to the living room, I saw three brand new faces that I’ve only seen on television.

            “Alex, I’d like to formally introduce you to the boys,” Harry said as each member of One Direction stood in a line. “Liam, my sister Alex, Alex, meet Liam.”

            I gave Liam a short hug, and we both exchanged ‘hi’s’. The same was true for Zayn.

            Louis was feeling left out, and felt the need to reintroduce himself to me, bringing me in for one of his famous bear hugs. I then turned to the last member standing, Niall.

            “And finally Lexi, I’d like to introduce you to the Irish member of the group, Mr. Niall Horan,” Harry said with a dramatic tone in his voice.

            Niall blushed a little as he wrapped in for a very soothing hug. A smile began to grow on my face as he buried his head into the crook of my neck. For some strange reason, being hugged by Niall felt really good; but after a few seconds he didn’t let go. After a little awkward silence, Harry stepped in and separated us, while shooting Niall a death glare. This only caused Niall to blush even more.

            “Alex, can I talk to you for a second?” Harry asked. Although, he really wasn’t giving me a choice as he grabbed my arm, and yanked me up the stairs. Great, he’s only been home ten minutes, and he’s already changing from loving brother, to overprotective pain in the ass after one hug from Niall. We walked into my room, and he slammed the door.

            “Lexi, I don’t want you getting too close to any of the boys. I don’t want you to get your heart broken. Especially after—” Harry started, but I cut in with an angry tone in my voice.

            “First of all, stop calling me Lexi. Second of all, who the hell are you to tell me who I can, and can’t be friends with? Harry, I love you, but you need to stop being so overprotective. It was only a hug. And as far as you-know-who is concerned, I don’t want it brought up again.” I said storming into the bathroom, and slamming the door in Harry’s face before he had a chance to respond.

            What a great welcome home. I swear I love that boy, but sometimes I just want to put his head through a wall.

We Found Love (Niall Horan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang