Chapter 5

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Authors Note: Hey Guys, I'm so glad to see so many more people are reading. So I'm assuming you guys are liking it. But maybe I should hold onto the next chapter until I start seeing votes and comments, lol. Enjoy the new addition to the book! ---Ekat :)


Alex’s P.O.V.

            I woke up the same way I went to sleep, with a smile on my face. I looked down to my waist, and saw a pair of arms wrapped around me. Niall’s arms. I had a warm feeling growing inside of me. I was happy to be inside his grasp. I turned over, and saw his beautiful eyes looking at me with a smile on his face as well.

            “Good morning Alex,” Niall said leaning over, and placing a kiss on my forehead.

            “Morning Nialler,” I replied hugging him.

            “You know, everyone calls me Nialler, but when you do it, I can’t help but get all giddy on the inside,” Niall said blushing.

            I was about to reply when there was a knock on my bedroom door. Out of habit I said “come in” without thinking that Niall Horan was in my bed with his arms around me. All I could think was “Please don’t be Harry, please don’t be Harry….” And then I heard a booming voice.

            “Morning Lex… What that hell!” Harry yelled, looking at me and Niall lying in bed together. Shit. I looked over at Niall, and you could tell he feared for his life. He fell out of the bed, which made me laugh on the inside, and then I saw him dart to the bathroom, and slam the door shut, and locking it so Harry wouldn’t kill him.

            “Horan, you better open this damn door or so help me God,” Harry yelled, slamming his fist on the door. After a few minutes, he was starting to tire himself out. Then he turned to me, and started to speak. “Lexi, what the hell? You know how I feel about you getting close to the boys. I was starting to feel bad last night after seeing how bummed Niall was. So I came up here to get you guys up because I made you guys an apology breakfast. Then I come up here to find you guys in bed together. What were you thinking?”

            By now, the rest of the boys had their way into my room to see a pissed off Harry. They just stood off to the side to witness him go off on his rampage. Great, here we go again.

            “Harry, this is the last time I’m going to tell you; you have no right to tell me who I can and can’t get close to. And not that you deserve to know, but nothing happened last night. We just laid in the same bed, and slept.” I snapped.

            A few minutes of awkward silence passed, and there was clear tension in the room. Even the boys didn’t know what to say. They didn’t dare mess with Harry in case he went berserk on them too. Another minute goes by before I hear the bathroom door unlock, and Niall manages to sneak out with a worried look on his face.

            “Is he gone?” asked a scared Niall. But before I could respond, Niall was grabbed by Harry, and was pushed into the bathroom. Harry fell on top of Niall, and began hitting him. The boys finally decided to step in and try and get him off of Niall, but were failing miserably. Alright, that’s it. I’ve had enough. I walk over to Harry and grab his ear with such force, and began to drag him back over to my bed with tears forming in his eyes.

            “Ow, ow, ow, ow,” Harry repeated as I dragged him to the bed. “That seriously hurts Lexi”. I shot him daggers as he grabbed his ear. If he was trying to calm me down, calling me Lexi was not the way to do it.

            I walked over to the bathroom to see how Niall was doing. He was trying to cover up a few tears that were sliding down his face. It made my heart break seeing the pain he was in. I looked at his eyes. He was going to have a major shiner. His left eye was already starting to bruise. I tried not to walk over to Harry, and hit him straight in the face. Instead I sat down beside Niall on the floor, and brought him in for a hug. He returned the gesture, and whispered “I’m sorry” into my ear.

            “Niall, you have nothing to be sorry about,” I told him with a serious look on my face. Why does he think he needs to apologize to me?

            “I feel like I’m ruining the relationship between you and Harry,” Niall replied looking at his feet.

            “Listen to me,” I said sternly, making him look at me. “Haz will just have to get over himself. I had a wonderful time last night, and I had such a feeling of joy that I hadn’t felt in a long time. Before you, Haz was the only one that’s heard me sing, and I was glad to share that moment with you.”

            I got up off the ground, and pulled Niall up with me. My hand never left his, and I dragged him back into my room. I looked around, and saw everyone looking at us. Obviously they heard what was said. Harry stood up, and walked over to Niall. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. All I know is that if he lays a hand on Niall, he’s going to be in a world of hurt.

Harry’s P.O.V.

            Wow, she must really care about him. I know what I have to do. I got up, and walked over to Niall.

            “Niall, I’m sorry that I jumped to conclusions. I should have just asked what was going on,” I said, turning red from embarrassment. “But after hearing what Alex just said, you should feel honored. She tries her best to cover up her singing from everybody. Up until now, I’m the only one that has ever heard her. So for her to feel that comfortable around you, she must really trust you. And I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve decided to give you guys a chance.”

            When I said this I noticed both of their faces light up.

            “But just know, if you hurt her, you had better run for your life, because I’ll be coming for you,” I said with a smile on my face, but I meant every word of it; no one messes with my little sister, and gets away with it.

            Niall walked over to her, and grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.

            “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Niall said, kissing her on the lips.

            I winced at this, but I will just have to learn to get used to it.

            “Alright, come on,” I said, trying to make this awkwardness stop. “We still have that apology breakfast waiting for us downstairs. I made pancakes.”

            “Yay pancakes!” Niall and Alex said at the same time. This made me smile. Maybe they would be a good couple. They certainly had a lot in common. I just don’t want to see her hurt after what happened last time. We all made our way downstairs to eat breakfast. Now that this little mishap was over, we could finally start enjoying our vacation.

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