Little Sister's First Run

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Hey all!! Thanks to an amazing friend of mine, this story is done now instead of me trying to get it done, and falling behind... again... Check out the amazing and wonderful Milana0304. This fun request was requested by charlewinchester. I hope you enjoy!
Her movements were slow, uncalculated, as she waited to be introduced at the convention. She pulled her jacket tighter, shivering uncontrollably, as she tried to bring some extra warmth to her exhausted limbs. 

"You know her quite well as my little sister, here she is everyone: our very own Beauty from Texas Emma Ackles!!!" Jensen yelled across the mic, drawing her pale features to look up at the stage, before she climbed the stairs a bit shaky. 

The bright lights hit her immediately, causing her to almost whimper, but her microphone was on and she didn't know how to turn it off. 

"Thanks, big brother! Hi everyone!" she said, waving to the audience with her free hand, before turning to look at her brother and offer him a wan smile.

 Jensen smiled, putting his hand on her shoulder in a loving gesture, before waving and walking off stage. He went back-stage, in search of food or something to drink. 

Emma sat in her seat looking exhausted and sort of shaky. She smiled all sweet and tired, answering questions as they flew at her rapid fire. 

Rob Benedict, co-stage leader, stood from the outline of the stage watching Emma answer questions, frowning as he saw how pale she was becoming. He snuck off the stage seeking out Jensen, as quickly as possible. 

Whilst listening to a fan's question Emma quietly hiccuped and played around with her skirt. Unbeknownst to her Rob had run off to Jensen who was laid in the green room with Jared talking about how he was proud of Emma.

"Emma!! For one youre so much prettier in real life and my question is, is Jared like a brother to you like Jensen?"

Emma thought about the question for a few seconds. "I feel like Jared can be like a brother to me in certain situations but he's like a goofy cool uncle just because of how he acts around me but most of the time he leans towards brother" Emma trailed on asking question after question.

"Hey Jensen, I think something is wrong with Emma. She's gone really pale and shaky on stage and I think she's not feeling well? It could be nerves I don't know but it doesn't look good from where I stand." Rob thoughtfully spoke to Jensen and Jared.

Jared sat up and looked at the worry on Jensen's face and then glanced down at his watch. "You know Jen, there's 40 minutes left of this panel and I don't want her up there if she's not well… we could stage a takeover and me and Rob do a song or something up on stage and you can sneak her off and see what's going on? If she's okay it'll just look like a random double team if she's not then she's safe with you"

Jensen looked at Jared and bit his lip worriedly. "She was so excited about her first panel and I don't want to be the one to ruin it but if she's  not well then she's already going to be feeling crappy and her first panel should be fun and energetic style… let's do it"

Emma looked at the side of the stage worriedly, she knew she wasn't going to make it. She felt so sick and exhausted and each question seemed to be taking more and more energy out of her. 

In a sudden bout of dizziness she flops her head into her hands whimpering and praying for something, anything to help.


Jared's voice suddenly boomed out over her thoughts and Jared and Bob came out with dresses on and started singing "carry on my wayward son" in silly accents. I could see Jensen standing there on the off side of the stage and I ran over to him whimpering and almost falling into his arms. 

"Em i know you want this to be perfect but I need you to tell me if you're okay and be honest with me because it's not going to be fun if you aren't well okay?"

Emma opened her mouth to respond but all that splattered out was watery vomit as she collapsed back into Jensen's arms.

Suddenly Emma was aware of a hand stroking through her hair, "Hey Em it's okay you just collapsed, your back at the hotel with me and Jared the doctor said you're dehydrated from getting sick. Me and Jared are gonna lift you up and your going to lay against him whilst I give you some ice cube sweetie." 

Emma whimpered as she was moved into Jared's arms but soon settled down as she got comfortable. The ice felt good and cool in her mouth and she openly accepted more and soon she was back into a blissful sleep.

"What are we going to do with you Em? Me and Jared will have to teach you not to go on stage If you don't feel good you silly sausage"

I hope you all enjoyed this little fic, and that all of you are doing well. If you ever need/want someone to talk to, feel free to message me. I'm always up for a chat or listen. As always: like, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3

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