Vomiting Doesn't Work With Hunting

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Requested by DWfangirl16 . Teenchesters: Dean 17, Sam 13.


Sam groaned loudly, dropping the weapon bag loudly onto the floor. He didn't see Dean flinch at the loud clang, or that his big brother's face paled slightly, before returning to normal.

"What's your issue, Sammy?" Dean asked gently, but with a hint of firmness. He was grateful that Sam wasn't paying close attention to him, as he didn't need to have his little brother mother henning him.

"Do we really have to go hunt that ghost tonight?" Sam asked, a hint of whining in his voice.

"Yes, Sam. We have to go hunt the ghost. Its killing people, innocent people, visiting their loved ones that have passed away." Dean explained heavily, swiping at the sweat that was dripping down the side of his face out of nowhere.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, gotta save the innocent people." Sam said in exasperation. "I just wanted to stay home and read, to be honest." he admitted softly.

"I know, you can read, when we get home. Sound fair?" Dean asked gently, he shuddered randomly, feeling goosebumps pop up all over his skin.

"Yeah, that's fair. Thanks, Dean." Sam said, grabbing his book and curling up on the couch, and immediately started reading.

Dean nodded briefly, before slipping into the bathroom quickly. "M gonna shower." he called out, hoping Sam heard him. He locked the bathroom door, turned on the sink and the shower to muffle noises, and doubled over the toilet. He gagged repeatedly, before vomiting aggressively.

He flinched, hearing the liquid food splatter loudly. When Sam didn't come to investigate, he sighed in relief. He gagged painfully, vomiting twice back to back, before collapsing against the wall quietly.

He rested against the wall for a couple minutes, until he was certain he wouldn't throw up again. He got up slowly, flushed the toilet, stripped slowly, and got into the shower. He forced himself to relax, allowing the cascading water to wash away the sickness and weakness.

He had woken up early that morning, sicker than a dog, and had barely managed to stop vomiting before Sam got up for the day. He had managed not to throw up again, for several hours, until an hour before they were supposed to leave for the hunt. He could feel his stomach churning unhappily, and the warm water was causing him to shiver, telling him he had a fever too.

He turned the water off, willing his stomach to calm down, as he got out and got dressed again. He looked at his face in the mirror, noting how pale he looked now. He shivered weakly, knowing that this hunt was going to be brutal. He just needed to keep it together, until they could get home. He rubbed his upset stomach, biting back a whimper as he gagged hard, but thankfully nothing came up.

He walked back out into the room, grabbing the weapon bag and headed outside.

Sam got up silently, following his big brother outside. He could see that Dean was pale, making him wonder what was going on. He kept his opinion to himself, climbing into the car their dad had rented for them to use while their dad was gone.

Dean slid into his seat, sitting extremely still for a moment, before pulling out of the parking lot. He didn't turn any music on, as he was developing a headache too. He was really starting to wish they had stayed home, just so he could sleep off this nausea and headache.

"No music?" Sam asked in surprise, looking at his brother thoughtfully.

"Oh... uh... yeah, no music right now." Dean stammered distractedly, as his hand went to his stomach. He groaned softy, seriously tempted to pull over, as he felt like he was gonna puke.

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