Dodgy Diners Again???

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Requested by . Dean x Reader, younger ages, sorta AU theme, no spoilers except a mention of something from Season 10 (however, you can still read the fic, if you haven't gotten that far yet, since it won't really mean anything important until season 10)... Primarily from the reader's POV. Warning: Mild language, Sickness depictions, and general grossness. Enjoy!


You sat down at the table in your motel room, waiting for Dean to get back with food. Knowing him the way you did, he would be back shortly with lots of fattening food, and salads since you and Sammy had both requested one. However you had also requested a burger too, to make your meal a bit more well rounded.

"Where did he say he was going again?" you ask Sammy, not really remembering.

"Biggerson's, I think. Why?" Sam asked curiously, looking up from his math book. He regarded you thoughtfully, wondering why his dad had been okay with you joining the team, a few years back.

"Just wondering what's taking him so long." You say quickly, not wanting Sammy to see how worried you were. "Are you still planning on going to the library tonight?" you ask quickly, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, we got that paper due... Remember?" Sam asked curiously, wondering if you had forgotten your homework again.

"Oh yeah, I'll have to finish mine tonight too..." You say with a halfhearted shrug, not really planning on finishing it at all.

"Yeah, its due tomorrow. Tell Dean, I'll eat when i get home." Sam said, standing up and grabbing his backpack. He walked to the door, opening it up to show Dean with his hands and mouth full. "See ya later, Dean." he said, leaving without another word.

Dean walked inside, handing you some of the food stuff. "What's wrong with Sammy?" He asked sternly, giving you a look that said 'Don't you dare lie to me,'.

"Hey, Dean. He has a paper due tomorrow... Well, we both do." You admit softly, knowing he would force you to finish your homework tonight... Sometimes you seriously hated being in the same class as Sam.

"Is that all? Y/N, you should be going with him." Dean said, raising his eyebrows at you in challenge.

"I will finish it here." You say quickly, putting your hands up in surrender. "It's mostly done." you add quickly, opening one of the bags and putting Sam's food to the side.

"It better be, Y/N. You know Dad will kill me, if I let you fall behind on your studies." Dean said, paling slightly at the thought.

"I won't let anything happen to you." You promise, meaning it wholeheartedly. You pull out both burgers and your salad, handing Dean his burger. "Eat up..." you tease softly, trying not to blush.

Dean chuckled softly, opening his burger and taking a big bite of his burger. He wrinkled his nose briefly, before digging in with big bites.

You roll your eyes, seeing him wrinkle his nose, and put the burger away. Instead, you decide to eat your salad, since it looks better anyway. You dig into your salad, eating the majority of it, before putting it with Sam's food.

You look over at Dean, in time to see him grimace, and drop his mostly eaten burger scraps into the trash. You could see his nose wrinkling, and hated the sense of dread that washed over you.

"Wanna watch a movie?" You ask slyly, hoping that Dean had forgotten about your homework.

Dean sat down heavily on the couch, shaking his head briefly. "Y/N, don't test me tonight... Do your homework!" He ordered firmly, not wanting to admit he suddenly didn't feel so hot. He rubbed his temples, before turning the tv on low, and closed his eyes.

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