Swimming in February????????!

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Requested twice by randomrainbow and Shesscertlygorgous16, and I totally spaced for a long time. I am so sorry. Hopefully this fic will make up for that. So here is preteen Sam, experiencing hypothermia. Enjoy!


John sat on the edge of the lake, reading a file on victims for his next hunt, listening to his sons splash around in the water. They were supposed to be working on their swimming skills, but instead they were having fun dunking each other and racing between buoys.

"I so beat you." Sam taunted, as his teeth chattered softly, in the freezing cold water.

"In your dreams, Sammy, I beat you by a whole minute." Dean teased playfully, unaware that Sam's thin body wasn't handling the freezing water very well.

"Pfft, you did not! Dad, Dean is cheating... again!" Sam yelled, wiggling his eyebrows at Dean playfully, even as he shuddered painfully in the cold water.

"Dean, stop cheating. Sam, quit complaining and kick his ass." John grumbled in annoyance, as he pulled his leather jacket tighter against the chilly February air. "Why did you two decide to swim today? I said we could wait a few days for warmer weather." he grumbled, unaware that Sam's shivering was gradually getting worse.

Dean laughed, splashing Sam in the face, and earning a glare. "It's really not that cold, Dad." he argued, as the cold water faintly sent a shiver up his spine.

"It is pretty cold," Sam mumbled softly, shivering even harder in the chilling water. He spit the excess water out of his mouth, from Dean's splash, as his teeth started chattering harder afterward.

"What was that, Sammy?" Dean asked, looking at his little brother curiously. He hadn't noticed until just then, that his little brother was really pale and shivering. "You okay?" he asked, immediately becoming serious.

Sam laughed softly, forcing himself to act like he was fine. "I need to start moving around. Wanna race?" he asked, slurring his s and c slightly. He started swimming slowly towards the nearest buoy, barely keeping his head above the water.

"Sammy, let's go warm up. We can swim more later." Dean suggested, easily matching Sam's speed.

"No, let's race." Sam said angrily, slurring more heavily than before. He shook his head faintly, trying to ignore how hard his limbs were struggling to swim in the water.

His head slipped beneath the water, shocking him with how icy the water felt on his face. He gasped unintentionally, while underwater, and inhaled the icy water. He forced his heavy legs to push his head above the water's surface, choking and gagging on the water he had inhaled.

Dean swam to Sam's side instantly, pulling him above the water and clapping him on the back. "Breathe kid." he said firmly, worried that Sam would aspirate on the water.

Sam gasped softly, wheezing hard as he shivered hard in Dean's arms. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." he admitted softly, slurring heavily.

"Its fine, what happened? You just slid under and came back up gagging." Dean said worriedly, meeting his dad's worried gaze as well.

Sam blinked in confusion, struggling to breathe as the cold felt like his chest was frozen too tightly. "What happened?" he asked, mumbling weakly. He tried to breathe, gasping loudly as he fought to breathe in and out.

Dean frowned. "You tried to drown on me." he said firmly, disapproval heavy in his tone.

Sam wheezed heavily, blinking slowly as he yawned weakly. "M tired." he mumbled, shivering uncontrollably, as he struggled to stay awake.

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