Fellow Acting Reader Gets Sick

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I have been requested more than once to write this sickfic, so I hope it is enjoyable and worth the wait. By Luci_Lucifer and BrieannaSincleair. Enjoy!


3rd Person:

"Hey, J, have you met the newest addition to our acting team?" Misha asked, walking up to Jensen, who had only just got to work for the day. "You're late, by the way; everything okay?" He asked, worried about  his friend and fellow actor.

Jensen sighed softly, scrubbing a hand over his face. "No, I haven't. What are they like?" He asked, ignoring Misha's last comment and question.

"He/She is super nice and funny. I think you and Jared will love him/her." Misha said, sounding almost a bit hyper. 

"Oh, good. He/She will fit right in." Jensen said softly, looking around thoughtfully. It was clear that he was distracted by something, but he wasn't about to tell anyone what was going on in his head.

"Yes, I agree. I got to run, see you later." Misha said, taking off at a brisk pace.

Reader's POV:

You were sitting on your special chair, feeling ecstatic that you had landed your dream job, working on the set of Supernatural. Well, acting with Jensen was your real dream, and you couldn't wait to meet him.

As you waited for him to grace you with his presence, you could feel your stomach churning, but you figured it was just due to you being anxious.

"Stop stressing, he is just normal guy." You kept muttering to yourself, hoping the nauseous feeling would go away, but that theory wasn't exactly working out.

"J is going to love you." Jared said, walking up to you.

"What?!" You squeaked, suddenly feeling you wanted to puke. You tried to breathe calmly, but your chest was heaving so fast, it was clear that you were struggling to not give into your hyperventilation.

"Relax, newbie. Jensen is going to love being around you." Jared said with a kind smile, even as a soft chuckle escaped his lips. He reached over, pulling you into a gentle but tight hug.

You blush deep red, not realizing that Jared could feel some pretty intense heat coming from you. "Thanks, Jared." You say softly, as you calm down enough to stop trying to hyperventilate.

"Sure thing, kiddo. Are you feeling okay? You almost feel feverish." Jared said in concern, as Jensen walked up to them. "Hey, J, meet Y/N." he said quickly.

You blush faintly, until Jensen walked up, then you turned beet red. "Hi, Jensen." You mumble softly, offering him a shaky hand to shake. You had to admit, you were starting to feel really lightheaded and sick to your stomach, not in a nervous way either.

Jensen smiled politely. "Hello, Y/N, its great to finally meet you. I agree with J, you are looking a bit pale." He observed, looking around for something that might help you feel better.

You shake your head, leaving heavily against Jared, as you started to feel worse and worse. The lightheadedness had led to a horrible headache, dizziness, and both of those would making your stomach feel so sick that you could feel the saliva pooling in your mouth.

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