Poor Charlie...

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requested by @waffleluvah, some sick Charlie, a bad case of the stomach flu that wakes her up in the middle of the night. No real spoilers if you know who Charlie is. This is my first attempt at writing a story using y/n. So I apologize if it sucks.

Charlie rolled over onto her side, trying to ignore the grumbling in her stomach. She was trying to sleep off the nauseous feeling, but every time she closed her eyes, it got worse. She groaned softly, trying not to wake up her girlfriend, y/n.

She rolled over again, whimpering softly under her breath. She kicked off her side of the comforter, feeling too warm. Moments later, she was shivering so hard that she woke up y/n.

"Charlie, honey, what's wrong?" Y/n asked in concern, sitting up to look at her.

"Y/n, I don't feel so good." Charlie moaned, wrapping her arms tightly around her stomach.

"Aw, sweetheart, what feels bad?" Y/n asked gently, touching Charlie's forehead lightly. She could feel the heat radiating off Charlie, and shook her head sadly.

"My stomach hurts, my head kinda hurts, and I am too warm and too cold." Charlie said softly, panting as her stomach churned more aggressively. She whimpered again, as she started shaking and shivering.

"It's okay, honey. Do you feel like you are going to be sick?" Y/n asked, seeing Charlie's body acting like she would.

"I really don't want to... Can we go to the the bathroom?" Charlie asked weakly, looking like she was starting to panic.

"Of course, come on." Y/n said, pushing the comforter off her own legs. She got up and moved to Charlie's side, offering her hand to help her girlfriend up.

Charlie took y/n's hand, standing up quickly. Her face paled rapidly, as she let go of her hand and bolted out of the room. She ran down the hall, rushing past Dean towards the bathroom.

"Whoa, kiddo, where's the fire?" Dean asked, turning towards the direction that Charlie had fled.

"She feels sick, Dean." Y/n said simply, following after Charlie a bit slower.

"Oh no, that's not good." Dean said, swallowing uncomfortably. He didn't want to be close by if she did get sick.

Y/n walked into the bathroom, seeing Charlie sitting beside the toilet.

"Did you get sick, love?" She asked Charlie gently, grabbing a washcloth and wet it down.

Charlie shook her head, not wanting to open her mouth. She whimpered softly, as she braced herself on her elbows, on the toilet rims.

"Y/n..." She whined, gagging hard but not bringing anything up.

"Sh.... Let it out; it's okay." Y/n said, putting the cold washcloth on Charlie's neck. She reached up, pulling the scrunchie out of her own hair, and used it to pull Charlie's long hair back away from her face into a messy bun.

Charlie shook her head slightly, not wanting to give in. Suddenly she lurched forward, vomiting harshly into the toilet in front of her. She tried to take a deep breath, only to vomit harder than the last time.

Dean grimaced as he walked back out of the bathroom, as quickly as he walked in. 

Y/n shook her head and turned back to Charlie, catching her forehead before she hit it on the toilet seat. "Easy, beautiful, take slow deep breaths." She instructed kindly, concern darkening her beautiful y/e/c eyes. 

Charlie groaned, taking a slow deep breath which caused her to hiccup. "Ouch..." she whimpered softly. She leaned back into y/n weakly, wrapping her arms tightly around her stomach. "Why does it hate me?" she whispered. 

"Oh hun, your stomach doesn't hate you. You just have the stomach flu," Y/n said gently, scooping up her sick girlfriend and carrying her to their bedroom again. "Rest, sweetheart, I am going to get you a bucket and some tylenol for that fever." she said gently, seeing Charlie already dozing off. 

Y/n walked into the hallway, shaking her head as she passed Dean and Sam. "She has the stomach flu... Why did you walk in and leave right away?" she directed at Dean. 

"Vomit is not my friend now that i am an adult." Dean admitted sheepishly.

"Plus its gross." Sam added, shaking his head quickly. 

Y/n laughed and walked away to find the puke bucket, before walking back to the girls' bedroom. She slipped into bed beside Charlie, and held her close. 


They were up a few more times that day and night, but Y/n took care of Charlie every time. And within a couple days, Charlie was fine again and laughing at poor Dean who somehow managed to catch the bug from her. 

I know it's a little short, but for my first y/n story, i am quite proud of it. Lol. Hope you like it and remember to vote and make requests. ;)

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