Sick Brothers Get a Little Trickster Help

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This was requested more than once, 5SecondsofCastiel and Birdflash777, so I figured it was time to put it up. This is a story on its own, but also a bit of a continuation of Angels Can Get Food Poisoning??? Hint of Sabriel, but not intentionally. ;)


Sam walked into the motel room, immediately hit with the smells of a home-cooked meal. He knew Dean could cook, but not that good. As much as the food smelled delicious, his stomach groaned uncomfortably, telling him that eating was not a good idea.

"Dean?" he called, looking around for his older brother.

"He went to get pepto and tylenol." Gabriel said simply, turning around to face Sam from the little kitchen nook.

"Oh, is he okay?" Sam asked uncertainly, worried that Dean was feeling as crappy as he suddenly did.

"I am not sure, he looked as pale as I did when I was sick." Gabriel said thoughtfully. "Come to think of it, so do you... Are you okay?" he asked, training his attention on Sam.

Sam shrugged, not wanting to bother the angel with how he felt. He swallowed hard, as his stomached groaned loudly, making him feel quite nauseous. "I'm fine, Gabriel." he added, even though his voice was strained.

"You don't sound well." Gabriel said simply, watching Sam closely in concern. He moved closer to the hunter, hearing the groaning in the younger man's stomach, flinched as he recognized the sound, and touched Sam's forehead lightly. "You're feverish, Sammy." he said gently, knowing that the hunter probably had a headache to boot.

Sam wanted to shy away from the trickster, but his hand felt really good on the younger man's flushed skin.

"Get a room... Not this room..." Dean grumbled, walking into the motel room looking more than worse for wear.

"We're not..." Sam stammered, jumping out of his skin in surprise at his brother's sudden appearance.

"I don't want to here it, Sam." Dean said in exasperation. He put his plastic bag on the floor, before walking over to his bed and collapsing on his stomach with a loud groan. "I'm not allowed at that store again." he mumbled, barely coherent against his pillow.

"Why not?" Sam demanded, a look of confusion crossing his features.

"Puked all over in one of the aisles." Dean mumbled, as he fought to stay awake.

Sam sighed softly, moving to take care of Dean, but instead staggered dizzily and would have collapsed if not for Gabriel grabbing him.

"Nope, to bed with you too." The angel said firmly, as he led the sick hunter to bed. "I'll take care of Dean." he added, hoping to ease Sam's burden a bit.

"Take off his jacket and boots, don't cover him with the blanket. It'll make him too hot, which makes him puke more." Sam said sleepily, worried that Gabriel wouldn't take care of his big brother right.

"No problemo, is the sheet okay to cover him?" Gabriel asked, wanting to take care of both the Winchesters to the best of his ability.

"Yeah, that's fine." Sam said, nodding dizzily as he lay down on his own bed and squeezed his eyes shut tightly.

Gabriel did as he was told, gently removing Dean's jacket and boots. He went to cover Dean with the sheet, when he heard loud groaning noises coming from the older hunter's stomach. "You okay there?" he asked Dean gently.

Dean shook his head no, as he pushed himself upright shakily. "Gonna be sick." he mumbled.

Gabriel snapped his fingers, making a bucket appear in front of Dean.

Dean jumped slightly in surprise, shooting Gabriel a relieved and grateful look. He gagged hard, vomiting repeatedly into the bucket, clinging to the bucket like it was his world.

"Rub his back, lightly, in small circles between his shoulder blades." Sam instructed, gagging softly under his breath each time Dean gagged or vomited.

Gabriel nodded briefly in understanding, before snapping his fingers and making a bucket appear in front of Sam as well. He did as he was told again, sitting beside Dean and rubbing small circles in between the man's shoulder blades.

"You're okay, just breathe through it when its safe to." he encouraged, not wanting Dean to breathe in too soon and choke on his vomit.

Dean glared at the angel, before nodding and starting to slowly breathe in between bouts of vomiting. "Go take care of Sam." he rasped, as his vomiting stopped and Sam's started. "Don't let him get it in his hair, he is too dizzy to take a shower." he warned hoarsely.

Gabriel nodded, snapping his fingers and making all the vomit vanish. "Try to sleep, Dean." he said, covering the older man with the sheet, flinching each time he heard Sam gag.

Dean nodded, dozing off fitfully, as he jerked awake each time Sam gagged.

"Easy Sammy, slow down and breathe." Gabriel said, rushing to Sam's side and helping the younger man sit up. No sooner was the kid upright, did he vomit into his bucket aggressively. "Easy, easy." he said repeatedly, pulling Sam's hair back into a weird ponytail, but it worked well enough.

Sam whimpered softly, as he vomited again and again, feeling like he was tearing the inside of his stomach and throat to ribbons.

"I know it hurts, once your stomach is empty, I can check if you need healing. I just can't heal nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and the flu." Gabriel said heavily, hating his healing restrictions. He would much rather take away their discomfort, even if that meant him getting sick again instead.

"You don't have to stay." Sam panted softly, resting his head against the angel's shoulder. He was relieved the vomiting had stopped for the time being.

"You did when I was sick, so why shouldn't I?" Gabriel asked gently, kissing the top of Sam's head lightly. "You need some tylenol, when you're done trying to puke up your stomach." he added gently.

"No tylenol. It will destroy his stomach." Dean mumbled sleepily, before nodding off peacefully.

Sam sighed softly, nodding his agreement. "Yeah, its not smart to take pills for me. You don't have to stay to pay us back, after all, I did make you sick in the first place." he said tiredly, watching in amusement as Gabriel snapped his fingers again and made Sam's vomit vanish too. "Where does that go?" he asked dopily, looking up at the angel with an innocent look.

"Hopefully a void where no one is affected." Gabriel said with a chuckle. "You still came back and looked after me. I am going to do the same for you. Now get some sleep." he instructed, seeing that the younger hunter was almost asleep against his shoulder.

"Can I sleep here?" Sam asked, sounding pitiful. He wanted to sleep against the angel, even if it drove Dean crazy.

"I suppose so." Gabriel said, climbing into bed with the youngest Winchester, smiling as Sam curled into him and fell asleep.


Both Sam and Dean woke up the next morning to a ton of home-cooked food, and a note from Gabriel saying he'd see them later.

As it turns out, the vomit ended up materializing in Hell, torturing Crowley with the smell and sudden appearance. ;)

I hope you enjoyed this extra chapter. I had a bit of free time this weekend, and took advantage of the time to write. As always: vote, comment, and request away!! Love you all!! <3

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