Angry Sam, Migraine Dean

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This was requested by SilentSJ. I am sorry for taking forever, I hope it is enjoyable!
Dean flinched as the sun glinted off the wet road, causing a searing pain behind his eyes. He bit back a groan, reminding himself that Sam was in the car with him, and he didn't need brotherly mother hen, especially since Sam had been really moody lately. So he opted to hide his discomfort, even if he could barely see it hurt so badly.

Sam sat in his seat scowling at the map and his too small phone screen. They had found a hunt, but it seemed that Dean was taking the long way around, and it was making him mad as all get out.

"I said take a right back there." he grumbled in frustration.

"Sorry," Dean mumbled softly, trying not to wince at the pain that was increasing behind his eyes. "Can I take the next right to get to the same road?" he asked, trying to appease his brother.

Sam rolled his eyes, before returning his attention to his phone and the map to check Dean's idea. "Yeah, that'll work: take the next exit, then take the first left, followed by the next right, and you should see the inn at the end of the road." he instructed, not realizing that Dean was fighting to just keep his eyes open and on the road.

Dean bit his bottom lip, before a groan escaped his lips.

"It's not that bad... Geez." Sam grouched in annoyance.

"Sorry, not why I groaned. But whatever, I'll get us to the inn." Dean ground out, as he took the first exit, proceeding to following Sam's instructions to a "T". He pulled into the inn, and Sam was out the impala and booking them a room and in said room waiting on him, before he could even blink.

He got out of the car slowly, blinking at the harsh sunlight. He walked up to room on the bottom floor, thankfully, squinting up at Sam when he got there.

Sam left the door open, using one of the door wedges, as he went and got on his laptop to better research the case they were just starting.

Dean slowly stumbled into the room, after closing the door to the impala and almost collapsing in agony. He ambled inside, keeping his movements as slow and careful as possible, to not trigger his growing migraine or the nagging stomach ache that accompanies intense migraines. To no avail, no sooner did he walk in the room did his stomach start flipping.

All he wanted to do was lay down and try to sleep off the migraine that was plaguing his nervous system and head, but he knew Sam wouldn't let him off the hook if he passed out on a hunt. So he did what he always does, and grabbed them both a beer, offered one to Sam and popped his own open. He winced as the smell sent his stomach churning aggressively, but he swallowed a good amount, willing it to stay down with every fiber of his being, as he sat down at the crappy motel table across from Sam.

"What do we got, Sam?" he asked gruffly, fighting to appear normal.

Sam rolled his eyes, annoyed that Dean was drinking and it was barely four pm, which wasn't all that early, just the idea made him furious.

"Four dead women, both killed with their hearts removed and horrible slash marks. Tonight's the third night of the week leading up to the full moon, they are only getting stronger. The deaths make a square, so I imagine the werewolf is living in that twelve block residential area." he explained in a huff.

Dean paled faintly. "Twelve blocks... is that all?" he asked, sounding a bit worse for wear.

"Yes, Dean." Sam growled. " We need to leave in a couple hours. I'm going on a food ran, the usual crap?" he asked rudely.

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