Stomach Flu That Lingers

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Requested by fandomwriter11. I'm so sorry it took me so long to write. I hope you like it though. Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow mommas!
You and Balthazar had been working together for over three years, truly trusting and caring for one another in all aspects. The only thing left was for you two to start dating, which Dean and Sam had hinted at a few times much to your chagrin.

You push your hair out of your eyes, as it falls in your face, while you pack up your weapons for the hunt you couldn't get out of. You look over at your lump of a partner, shivering through a deliriously high fever. He had taken ill that morning, coughing himself hoarse and curled up in  bed weakly before lunch, which is when you got the call.

"Balth?" you ask softly, walking around the bed to check on him.

Balthazar rolled over and looked at you through glassed over eyes, looking beyond miserable.

"Wha?" he mumbled weakly, covering his mouth with his blanket as he started coughing hard.

You waited until he could breathe again. "You're getting worse. I don't think I should leave you alone" you say thoughtfully.

"I'll be okay," Balthazar whispered, snuggling deeper into the comforter. Beads of sweat could be seen on his brow, indicating his fever was rising.

"I leave you here like this, you could spontaneously combust before I get back." you say seriously in concern.

Balthazar giggled, shaking his head playfully. "Nuh-uh..." he said, dissolving into laughter.

You rolled your eyes at his antics, sighing before texting Sam.


'Need a babysitter.' you send him, knowing Balthazar was in no condition to be alone.

'For who?' Sam sent back, waiting to tell Dean until he knew more.

'Balthazar is really sick: high fever, coughing, shivering, think vomiting soon.' you send in return.

Sam shook his head, before yelling for Dean. "Got us a babysitting job. Sick angel." He says, packing supplies for them and taking care of the angel too.


Sam and Dean arrived in record time, missing you by 2 hours as you had no choice but to leave.

The first thing they noticed was random scribbles on the walls and no Balthazar to be seen.

"Don't make me zap you here, Balthazar." Dean warned, after he and Sam had already tried looking for him.

Balthazar zapped into the room, staggering weakly to the left, then the right, before collapsing on the bed in an eruption of giggles.

Dean blinked in confusion looking at Sam, who looked equally confused.
"Are you drunk?" Sam asked, worried about the uncontrollable laughter coming from the normally serious angel.

"Nope... YIN said I was feverish. 103.1, last helshe checked." Balthazar said, gigglingfor no reason.

"I see why helshe wanted a babysitter. How are you feeling?" Sam asked, as Dean examined the odd wall markings.

"Dizzy, nauseous, tired, confused, and my throat and head hurts. Like my wards?" Balthazar asked Dean, sounding quite proud of himself.

"Lay down, you over-grown bird, I'll help with your wards." Dean said, muttering to himself about angels not being educated about enough.

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