Flu at the Convention Part Two

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Hey all, this follow-up was requested on ao3, but I figured I'd share it hear too. WARNING: vomit, diarrhea, and mild language. Enjoy!


The walk back to their hotel was amazingly uneventful, considering Jensen was basically asleep on his feet, requiring Jared to support most of the man's weight to avoid his collapsing. He could hear Jared talking to him, but his exhaustion was too loud, making it so he could only work out the tones in his bestie's voice. 

As soon as they made it to their room, he all but flopped down on the bed, not bothering to cover up or do anything beyond closing his eyes. But the bliss of laying down in his hotel bed, and being surrounded by the rough but soft comforter, was short lived as the cramping he had been dealing with all day, kicked in again.

"Mmm..." the older man groaned, curling into a protective ball around his stomach.

"Try to get some sleep," Jared said, placing a cool hand against Jensen's forehead, to find the man indeed had a fever. "Dang, you're burning up. I'm going to go get some Tylenol and Gatorade from the front desk. Any flavor sound good?" he asked, causing the sick man to look at him in mild exasperation.

"Everything makes me want to puke." Jensen said in a tired voice that sounded shredded from the earlier vomiting.

"I know, but dehydration is going to make you feel worse." Jared said in a calm, almost patronizing tone.

Jensen sighed, which caused him to gag, but nothing more happened. He could see the relief on Jared's face, and had a sneaking suspicion that the same relief was on his own face. "Nothing red, blue, or yellow. Maybe white or orange." he said in a resigned tone.

"You got it." Jared said, leaving in a fast enough pace, that Jensen had a feeling he'd be back in minutes.

As Jared was gone, Jensen lay in a tight ball, shivering from the fever and cramping. After a couple minutes of trying to wait it out, he got up. He doubled over as he tried to walk to the bathroom. He got into the bathroom, standing there doubled over and trying to figure out what his body wanted to do.

He gave up, dropping his pants and boxers, and sat down on the toilet heavily. He waited for something, anything, to happen, but all his stomach wanted to do was cramp and churn, making him wish he could just puke or get the runs again. After waiting for a little while, with nothing happening, he wiped and stood back up. His stomach rushing up his throat, leading to him gagging over and over again, bringing up only bile and stomach acid into the sink.

That's how Jared found him, pants and boxers around his ankles and heaving into the sink, like his life depended on it. "Oh, Jensen," he said in a soft, worried tone, as he put down the multiple gatorades, a bottle of Tylenol, some saltines, and a hot water bottle. He walked into the bathroom, bending down to pull his best friend's boxers and and pants up, letting the pants waistband sit on his hips, to avoid any undue pressure around or on his stomach.

Once Jared was sure that Jensen was done trying to puke up all his vital organs, he helped him back to bed and gave him a bottle of white gatorade and two Tylenol. "Sip on that, and try to rest. I already let the girls know what is going on." he said, earning a grunt from the sick man.

As he looked down at his best friend, he noticed his own stomach felt a bit achy, but he hoped that it was just concern and not whatever the heck Jensen had caught. He reached up and touched his own forehead, flinching briefly when he felt that it was warmer than normal. He shook his head, No need to be paranoid, you always run warmer. he reminded himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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