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"So, you don't want to be the Fourth Master of the Kim Family, instead you want to go act as a dead body?" Lisa raised an eyebrow slightly. "If that's your dream, I'm happy to fulfill it."


"If you truly want to be an extra in your sister's film, you will need at least 3 months of training before you can even act as a dead body."

"What's my sister's new film about? Even a dead body needs training?" Taehyung questioned.

"It's a disaster film. The type where everyone dies and there is one sole survivor..." Jennie replied, "But, I think you should focus on your postgraduate and stop thinking about entering the entertainment industry."

"You haven't even heard me sing before, how could you turn me away like this?" Taehyung refuted, "Sister Three, you were also doubted once, but in the end, didn't you prove yourself? Why can't you give me a chance? I may not be worse than some of the singers already at Hai Rui. Even grandfather isn't against it..."

"Taehyung, let auntie convince them for you. Go home with Nayeon first."

Nayeon couldn't stand Taehyung's groveling expression, so she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to the car.

"Auntie, don't forget to convince them."

"Nayeon sure is a cold child."

"She's actually cold on the surface, but warm on the inside," Jennie sighed as she hooked her arm onto her mother's, "Come, stay at my place tonight. You promised..."

Hye Kyo nodded her head; she didn't have another choice.

Lisa escorted both his wife and mother-in-law to the car and the family of three quickly returned home.

After arriving home, Jennie went to have a bath while Hye Kyo sat in the living room flipping through Jennie's script. Seeing that her daughter put so much effort into writing notes and marking reminders on the script, Hye Kyo sighed: she had never thought that her daughter would someday become an actress."

A while later, Jennie stepped into the living room and smiled, "I'm going to pour Lisa a glass of milk. Wait for me a moment. I'm afraid he might be hungry..."

"Why don't I make you guys supper?"

"No need mom... He's not used to having supper." Jennie quickly rushed off to take care of her husband before returning to Hye Kyo's side. "So how do you plan on convincing me to let Taehyung into the entertainment industry?"

"Everyone has something they aspire to. Don't you understand Jingxuan yet? He's stubborn. Even if you don't help him, he will find another way to get into the entertainment industry."

Jennie remained silent for a moment before replying, "But...this industry..."

"Mom understands. Why don't you get him to hide his identity and not use the Kim Family name. Let him experience the harshness a little and perhaps he'll come running back home."

Jennie laughed without saying another word. In reality, she knew...once Taehyung entered the industry, there was no turning back. But, how was she to explain to Elder Kim? And who was left to take over the Kim Family business? Even so, Jennie knew her mother's plan was still a good idea. Plus, she could always think of a way later down the track to convince him to return home...

"Fine, I'll go with your idea. But, he won't receive any special treatment. Business is business." Jennie did this because she didn't want Taehyung to arrogantly think he had Manoban Entertainment or herself backing him up.

"I'm sure he knows this better than you do. This child has a strong sense of pride." After Hye Kyo finished speaking, she let Jennie lean on her shoulder and asked, "How long has it been since you last leaned on mom like this?"

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