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After returning home, Elder Kim sat alone in his study room for quite some time holding onto the black box that Lisa had given him. After hesitating for a while, he ended up locking the box in his safe. He knew that if he was to look at the contents of the box, he would not be able to endure another second around Nancy.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. It was Nancy, "Grandfather, may I come in?"

Elder Kim adjusted his complex expression and replied, "Come in."

Nancy pushed open the door and entered, revealing a dazzling smile. She directly approached Elder Kim, grabbed onto his arm and started swaying it from side to side, "Grandfather, it's so boring being a pregnant woman at home. Can I go out and do some work?"


After Elder Kim uncovered the true Nancy, everything that came out of her mouth sounded like it was a part of her scheme.

Nancy mentioned working because she obviously wanted to use the child as an excuse to return to Kim Corps. and set the foundations for her comeback.

"You've only fallen pregnant not long ago. If you work, you will tire out my precious grandchild."

"No I won't, grandfather. You know how I am. The more you won't allow me to do something...the more I want to do it."

Elder Kim was well aware of her temper. It seemed, Nancy was under the assumption that even if Elder Kim didn't hand the family business over to her, he would at least give her back her previous role. But...

...her assumptions were wrong...

Elder Kim agreed to let her work. He knew if he didn't, she would put on another act to gain sympathy. So, he smiled and patted her on the back of the hand, "OK, I'll let you work. I'll make a phone call in a moment to organize everything for you. But, you need to promise me that you'll take good care of your body and won't work as hard as you used to."

"Thank you, grandfather," Nancy cheered. She assumed, judging by the way her grandfather spoiled her, it was only a matter of time before she'd kick Hye Kyo out and retrieve what belonged to her.

"Get some rest. Grandfather still needs to look through some documents." After everything that happened, Elder Kim now found Nancy's smile scary and fake.

She was meant be a part of the family, but instead, she was like a demon that enjoyed hurting the most important people around her.


Nancy achieved her motive, so she turned to leave the room. At this moment, Elder Kim suddenly held her back, "Go upstairs and tell Hye Kyo to come see me."

"I'll go right away."

Nancy assumed that Elder Kim wanted to see Hye Kyo about giving her back her role in the company, so she immediately headed to Hye Kyo's room. Keeping up with her weak act, she said, "Auntie, grandfather wants to see you in the study room."

Hye Kyo held back the urge to slap Nancy across the face as she kept her focus on the documents in her hands, "I'll be down there in a second."

Nancy's gaze contained a trace of victory. She could already imagine that Hye Kyo's role would soon be non-existent.

However, she had no idea how much self control it took for Hye Kyo to hold herself back from hitting her...

Not long after, Hye Kyo headed downstairs and entered Elder Kim's study room, "Father, you asked for me?"

Elder Kim pointed to the doorway with his chin, gesturing to her that Nancy may be eavesdropping, "Follow me."

Hye Kyo nodded her head and accompanied Elder Kim out onto the balcony where Nancy no longer had the chance to eavesdrop.

Trial Marriage Husband: Need To Work Hard (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now