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𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 27𝐭𝐡, 2086

"Im pretty?" Fallon said, tilting his head while looking at his phone.

"Yea, you is." Hasani said. "No I'm not, I don't look pretty right na." Fall replied, leaning on the counter and fixing the angle of his camera.

"My face breakin out nd I got bags unda my eyes." He continued, biting into a piece of chicken and looking at the TV that was playing in the living room.

"You still pretty though, you only breakin out nd got bags cause of that nigga you fuckin round wit." Hasani mumbled, looking directly at Fallon through the camera.

"He stressin yo li ass out nd ion like it." Hasani continued making Fall hum. "I said that he stressin yo li ass out." Sani said.

"I know but ion know how to tell him that I don't wanna mess wit him nomo." Fallon replied, scratching his chin lightly so he wouldn't pop the bumps that was on it.

"You can ghost him and stay somewhea else fo a few days or weeks just incase he come by yo house." Hasani said, laying down on his bed.

"Okay, but whea imma stay?" Fallon asked, shifting his weight to one leg. "Eitha a hotel or at somebody house, ion know, pumpkin." Hasani responded, propping his phone up on something.

"Would let you stay wit me fo a while but ion know if you gon feel comfortable wit that." He continued.

"I can stay wit you fo a few days to see if I'm comfortable nd if not, I'll get a hotel nd search fo anotha house." Fallon said, grabbing his phone off the counter and going to his room after cutting the TV off.

"You can do that too." Hasani said.


"You in yo feelings or somethin, princess?" Kaizen asked making Zielle jump hard as hell and turn around to look at him.

"Yea, I was cause you wasn't answerin yo phone but nevamind." Zielle said after turning the music down. "My phone died a few minutes ago when I was on the way hea." Kai replied, putting his phone on the charger.

"Nd I broke my charger nd ain't feel like buyin a new one so I came hea to use yours." He continued, laying down on the bed.

Kaizen closed his eyes, running his hands over his face before looking at Zielle. "Im tired as hell." He mumbled, looking at the clock on the nightstand.

"Yea, you look high as hell too." Zielle said, sitting on top of him.

"Is daddy finna go to sleep on me again?" He asked, leaning down and blowing his breath in Kaizens face. "Im sleepy, princess. My eyes burnin right na." Kai responded, rubbing Zielles thighs.

"You always be leavin me. Always make me feel unwanted." Zielle said, dramatically laying down on top of Kai before rolling over.

"Neva be wantin to talk to me and things." He continued, groaning as he sat up. "We talk on FaceTime every time ian witchu." Kaizen said, opening his eyes a bit to look at Zielle.

"I feel unappreciated. Neva be wantin to eat me out nd things." Elle said, ignoring everything Kaizen had said.

"Princess..youn neva be askin a nig- NEVA be wantin to spend time wit me and things." Zielle interrupted, rolling over again and almost falling off the bed.

"Goddamn, my life had flashed before my eyes." He mumbled, pulling himself back onto the bed. "But anyways, like I was sayin." He said, sitting up.

"Didn't you say yeen like bein ate out?" Kaizen asked, furrowing his eyebrows and squinting his eyes.

"I did, but it feel like I be goin to heaven when you do it. Like, you really be takin my soul out my body." Zielle said, playfully rolling his eyes and huffing.

"You be bein mad extra." Kaizen said, chuckling a bit. "Stop, I'm bein serious." Elle said, placing his feet ontop of Kaizen. "My feet pretty, huh?" He asked making Kai nod his head.

"Yea, they is, princess. Prettiest feet I eva seen." Kaizen answered, kissing the top of his feet. "Period, as they should." Zielle mumbled, going on his phone and playing with his tongue ring.

"How many years we been togetha?" Zielle asked, looking up from his phone. "6 years." Kai replied, closing his eyes again.

"Whens my birthday?" Elle said. "October 11th." Kai said, getting in the bed the correct way and getting under the covers.

"When is our anniversary?" Zielle asked, sitting up straight for some reason. "May 27th." Kaizen replied, getting in a comfortable position right under Zielle.

"Look at my daddy yall, him so smart and fine." Zielle said, smiling and massaging Kaizens neck.

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