The Apollo Theatre

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Chapter 2

Todd and Isis walked into the famous Apollo Theater in New York's Harlem.

They held hands as they stared at the stage so many black entertainer's started on. Todd's mom and Isis' aunt took a picture of them from the back holding hands staring at the stage in wonder. Isis' aunt was a freelance photographer just like Isis she felt Todd had something and if he made it early photos of him would be worth a lot in a gallery show. She would have him sign the photo's at this tender age of thirteen making them more desired and again once he hit the height of his fame.

Everyone said she was jumping the gun but she was exposed to people of the arts all her life and knew when someone had something or not. She had an eye for talent on all levels from writing and poetry to singer's, crooner's, painter's and rapper's. This boy was born to rap.

She had to convince his mother Alexis to let him try as Alexis was a fan of graduate school and get a nine to five job. She belived in allowing children to follow their own creative paths.

They walked to the sign up table handing in the pre-signed permission slip to audition.

What's your name kid? Todd...Todd Singleton. He stared up at the ceiling at the ornate architecture. The man snapped Kid! Hey!

Yes sir? What's your stage name? King Tut. The two men looked at one another nodding in approval well at least you won't require a name change if you make it to the top. Isis smiled, and whos this? The man asked smiling at how pretty she looked.

This is the Goddess Isis. The men grinned in glee is your name really Isis? Yes sir. They made a note on paper of it snapping  away owww making Isis laugh.

Here is your number lucky number seven kid you'll have two minutes to spit for us no cuss words allowed because it will be on live T.V.

At the end if your number is called you move on to teen's can rap and you'll meet big willy.

You'll then rap battle the two rapper's from the week before I'm sure you've seen the show.

If you're the last one standing you get a one song contract with Big Willy at Brooklyn Brick Record's.

Wait one song? Yes kid he need's to see if the record sells if it does you get an entire album. Todd looked to Isis who shrugged her shoulder's yes.

I understand the men smiled because he looked to her not his mother for approval. Go Todd good luck Isis hugged him kissing his cheek.

He hugged his mom and Isis' aunt. The other rapper's went before him. To Isis there was only one rapper truly on Todd's level.

Todd came out he didn't waste time running back and forth hyping a crowd or saying yeah okay 100 times wasting the short time he had to impress the judges.

He stood still holding the mike looking to the balcony. Isis smiled because in that moment he looked like he owned the stage like he belonged there. The music cued....

I'm a kid 13 years of age at the Apollo I came to wreck the stage! Spitting rhymes like a axe boof! I split ya back in two look up I see you. Staring looking watchin the kid flow tearing down stereotypes this the way it go. They call me King cause I rule the mic Tut cause I came I saw I conquered watch Tut strut.

OHHH! parent's in the crowd clapped and roared that was hot miss! They yelled to Todd's mom.

Isis didn't care about them she checked the look on all three judge's faces they all smiled.

This was a hard call if we call your number step forward your advancing if not try again in thirty day's. The three of them held hand's

Number 10, 5 and... seven King Tut!

Hello Big Willy? We found your next star sending the audition video now.

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