Uninvited Caller

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Chapter 4

The crowd were allowed to choose the winner to return the following week to compete. Todd would have to battle two more times before he could win the contract with Brooklyn Brick records. If he won he was the champion and the other rappers would battle him for the top spot.

Twice more to get the contract Isis thought nervously.

The two rap contenders were ushered on stage. Who will it be? The host walked out raising her hand over the head of Chain the crowd went wild.

The host walked to Todd and it was so loud Isis covered her ears they roared so loudly. Isis yelled then she changed her yelling to a chant. TUT TUT TUT TUT! Everyone joined in TUT TUT TUT TUT!

Isis grinned we have our winner Harlem...OK  Apollo family! King Tut is this weeks teen rap battle winner! 

Todd smiled he put his hand out to dap Chain who waved his hand angry, a sore looser walking off stage the crowd roared with laughter.

The host placed a medal around his neck THIS WEEKS REIGNING CHAMPION!

Sarah, Alexis, Isis and Mike were escorted back stage to speak with producers about Todd. Please come in sit. The show producers walls were graced with autographs of all who performed at the Apollo since before the producer was born. These signature's go back fifteen producers Todd look up. There were signatures on the ceiling Todd smiled.

We had them sign sheet rock and mount it to the ceiling when walls were full.

Todd nodded and smiled, so who is Todd's mom? I am sir. Call me Blu please. He explained the way the show worked.

Once Todd wins the last battle he meets with Big Willy to do a single on Brooklyn Brick Records.

He doesn't have to sign with Big Willie there are other labels that'll approach you Alexis. I will say to you as I share with all stage Mom's make sure to get an entertainment attorney or a contract attorney to look over any music company paperwork.

Thank you my brother is a contract lawyer for IBM Blue. That's wonderful the phones are already buzzing with record labels wanting to represent Todd if he wins or not.

Why would they want me if I loose sir. Good question these labels are always looking for raw talent people like you who rapping comes naturally. You don't force it or try to hard.
When you're on stage you're in your natural habitat Todd. Thank you Mr. Blu.

No mister just Blu. My son will put a handle on your name Blu I'm sorry but it's how we raise our children. I understand Blue smiled at the deep family values.

Okay Todd you are all set see you next Saturday same time work on a new rhyme in the meantime! Haha that rhymes the room filled with laughter a tiny smile crept on Todd's face he had an idea.

Blue may I take photos of the kid's near the wall's? Of course Blue staring at Sarah cause she was beautiful.

The kid's did street poses and held up peace signs Mike and Todd was holding a dap and Todd and Isis were hugged up like a couple.

Sarah and Alexis knew they were one day going to be an idol and were making sure they didn't start having early sex.

Sarah got ten photos of Todd looking up when he walked in and other nice poses. She specifically got a photo of him in front of all four wall's.

They left for lunch at world famous Sylvia's up in Harlem and did some light shopping at Freddy's. They had a nice day all in all heading back to Brooklyn.

On the train Todd Isis and Mike worked on the rap for the following Saturday which was shaping up to be real good or at least Sarah and Alexis thought so. The show was scheduled to air the next day night at 12 a.m Todd was nervous and excited.

Mike spent a night at Todd's after the show they were hype and Isis made sure to record it. They ate popcorn fantasizing about car's and expensive clothes.

Alexis' phone rang hello? I saw my son on T.V. Alexis went into another room what do you want? She whispered.

I want to speak to my son. You don't have any kids here is that not what you said when you went home to the wife I never knew you had and those triplets? They ain't mine and you known I never married that hoe.

You said I don't have kids over there keep up that same energy. Alexis ended the call blocking the number.

Who was that ma? A cousin from down south I told them you'd be on tonight they send thier love baby!

The love and happiness that was on his face and in his eyes was priceless. There was no way she was going to ruin the first big event in his life.

There would be time.

Time to explain his father was in fact very much alive.

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